Let's try the Altilly faucets!

By trumpman | trumpman | 15 Dec 2020

In case you missed the news, hive today got a listed on an exchange called altilly. Feel free to use my ref link if you want to give them a try: https://www.altilly.com/?a=10983b

In case you wonder, altilly is a small but old exchange that mostly features shitcoins. Their daily volumes are nothing special but imo a win is a win, regardless of how small:


One thing that got my eye when I registered is that they have free crypto faucets so I decided to give them a go. Just click the menu and select "faucets", if you want to give them a try. Something like this will pop up:


It took me about 30 seconds to claim them all. All you need to do is fill a simple captcha and click a few times.

It takes about an hour for all faucets to to refill and I claimed them twice in total. Ok, let's see what I have earned:


Woot, that's a lot of shitcoins. It will take hours to dump them... Oh wait? What's that on the upper right corner?




Neat! Looks like I can instantly sell all the shitcoins with 0.0215 PYRK! I wonder what's that worth:


LOL. Looks like I earned 0.0004$... Yeah, not worth it at all. Unless you are a total noob with zero crypto and you want to test the crypto waters for free. Otherwise, don't bother!

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Posted originally at LeoFinance Beta

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