WHALE SEASON by trevor balthrop for bitcoin ethereum cryptocurrency


By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 10 Oct 2020

Hello Bitcoin World!

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You have heard of Alt Coin Season.


You have heard of rabbit hunting season.



Have you heard of Whale Season?


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It might be time for us to learn quick because breaking news.


Whale Season is here!


Just by the very sound of this we might be able to guess that it means Whales are out in full force.


And I'm here to tell you you're 100% right.


All while backing these claims up with noteworthy Bitcoin facts.


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What is Whale Season?


Well you guessed it!


Whale Season means Whales are out in full force now and are no longer being anti-social.


Anyone or any business holding more than 40 Bitcoin are likely hardcore accumulating more Bitcoin right now.


Here is the catch though!


These are not all under the same Bitcoin addresses making this a difficult feat to track down.


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So far the public is only able to guess "after" certain companies like Grayscale or Square announce that they are buying.


Meanwhile these companies have already been buying the dips.


This is especially true as demonstrated recently around the beginning of September.


The price plummeted and faced an extremely difficult time breaking down past $10k USD which was admittedly surprising.


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Cool story. But how do we know it's Whale Season then?


This might sound corny but here's how you find out.


You don't leave, you look, and you listen!


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

Sort of like actual Whale Watching!


Clue #1


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"Transparency? What the hell does that mean Trevor?"


If you are just getting into Bitcoin, just coming back, or haven't noticed.


There has been a TON of transparency regarding Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies like Stablecoins.


Not just from Institutions like Grayscale either!


From places like the US Government who just relaxed regulations hardcore.


There have been far more celebrity endorsements this year than expected and we already expected a lot.


There is extremely good news about Bitcoin and Crypto coming out daily now.


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

On top of all of those things, we have more tools than ever at our disposal!


Tools that even allow us to monitor Whale activity or track down stolen funds.


The level of transparency the Crypto Industry has now reached is insane!


Think about it!


International Police can raid an entire exchange, indict crypto advocates, and can even withstand bad economic news to the likes of which we have never seen Bitcoin perform.


I cannot exaggerate it enough.


Bitcoin is practically begging to be bought and it seems as though the only people buying now.

Are the whales of course!


Clue #2


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Metrics, yes, metrics!


No I'm not talking about any one specific Bitcoin statistic that points to Bullish news.


I'm talking about the whole Bitcoin Enchilada folks.


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

The amount of good statistics and signals that have occurred in Bitcoin's favor this year has skyrocketed.


For example, and all the more recently we have noticed Bitcoin's impressive $10k streak.


The Bitcoin price has stayed so consistently over $10k for so many days now that people are starting to wonder.


"Is $10k the new bottom for Bitcoin now?"


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

Uhhh, I'm sorry what was that? Holy $%&#ing sh#@!


It only took me up until now to let that sink in so I apologize for my use of curse words.


The fact that we are even able to ask ourselves that questions and be serious about it.


It's actually really important especially if sentiment has anything to do with anything.


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

You could practically blindfold yourself, throw a dart, and have it land on some sort of TA or signal that tells us Bitcoin is going up.


So the only metric missing from this equation are people like you, myself, aaaand you guessed it!


The Whales!


Clue #3

Alt Season

trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

The community was starting to suspect that Alt Coin Season might have already ended.


This is now confirmed seeing as how Alt Coins have bled out and dumped down from their recent surges upwards.


Now despite Bitcoin reaching $11,357 USD as of the time of this writing. 


Alt Coins have only slightly followed!


If it were still Alt Coin Season you would think those would have all increased much more.


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

Well if you're looking for one explanation of why that could be.

Here is one theory!



They aren't dumb.


When the price of an asset is expected to rise then the smart thing to do would be to flee to that asset.


That's 100% what we have been seeing.


Big investors will slowly bleed their speculative assets like Alt Coins back into the more dominant assets.


Assets like Bitcoin and Ethereum!

Which if you happened to notice both have been very competitive this year.


Clue #4


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

No I'm not just trying to spook us because it's Halloween.


Or because of the pandemic.


Or because of the US elections.


Or because of the riots.


Or because tensions in China & the Middle East.


Or because Bitcoin scarcity is rising quickly.


Or because that nasty little CME Gap at $9600 hasn't filled yet for Bitcoin.


Or because we might be missing out on Bitcoin's pricing going to $20k this year.


Or because the Whales are all out together right now.


Or because there are more new Whales out there in Bitcoin now than ever.


trevor balthrop bitcoin blockchain btc crypto cryptocurrency trading

No, no, no there is no reason to be scared while others are being greedy.




People are still very scared and there is still an insane amount of uncertainty.


Only the most confident investors are willing to play the long game here.


And the most confident investors out there are, in the end.

Those beautiful damn Whales!

Thank you for reading!


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Trevor Balthrop
Trevor Balthrop

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