By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 1 May 2021

Hello out there in the world of Crypto!

My name is Trevor and today I will be showing the 8 new coins added to Phemex this week!

(source: πŸ‘‰ )

Before we get going, if you are not familiar with Phemex, this place is a cryptocurrency trading exchange.

It is actually one of the fastest and easiest to use exchanges in my opinion.

If you don't have a Phemex account yet and you're interested in signing up.

Make sure you use the Referral Link down below that Phemex created for me to give out to new users.Β 

Signing up through my link will get you up to $100 in Welcome Bonuses to help you get started!

They are also in the middle of doing a competition right now giving away up to 4 BTC if enough people participate!

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Alrighty, so!

Phemex is easily one of the best exchanges out there when it comes to a lot of things like fees and ease of use.


This week things at Phemex just got a whole lot better for hodlers.

Phemex has gone ahead and released EIGHT new coins for all of its customers.


They added XRP...

On top of that?

They just recently added Dogecoin prior to this.

Here is a full list of Cryptocurrencies now listed for Spot on Phemex going from the newest to oldest:

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Ripple (XRP)

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Basic Attention Token (BAT)

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Chiliz (CHZ)

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Decentraland (MANA)

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Enjin Coin (ENJ)

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SushiSwap (SUSHI)

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Synthetix (SNX)

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Graph (GRT)

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Maker (MKR)

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Dogecoin (DOGE)

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BitcoinCash (BCH)

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Ontology (ONT)

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Tron (TRX)

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Cardano (ADA)

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Litecoin (LTC)

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Tezos (XTZ)

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Chainlink (LINK)

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Ethereum (ETH)
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Tether (USDT)

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Bitcoin (BTC)

And that's it for now!

The owner of Phemex is already tweeting about adding more and IS CURRENTLY open to suggestions πŸ‘‡

Now before I go, I need to talk about Ripple really quick.

What in the sam-hell is going on with XRP people?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's amazing that XRP appears to be making its way back onto exchanges such as Phemex here for example.


I can't help but think how much this is going to upset old hodlers who might have sold during the big XRP crackdown.

There is something really fishy about this whole Ripple XRP fiasco but hey!

If it wants to make a comeback and be useful to people again that's always cool too, right?


Hopefully, this helped you in your pursuit of Crypto happiness!

That's all I had in me for today.

Thank you, everyone, so much for stopping by!

Make sure to Comment, smash the Likes, and Subscribe if you're interested in more Crypto stuff.

Goodbye for now and have another BEAUTIFUL day in Crypto ladies and gentlemen!

This is Trevor's signature 🦰
and article!
Thank you for reading!
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Trevor Balthrop

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