Hello there Farmers & Hodlers!
For starters I need to confess something.
I was gone Fishing!
(not to be confused with phishing, stay away from that stuff!)
Thanks to this last minute decision to get away for awhile I have put aside my writing duties on Publish0x.
I have returned.
To what is now a full-fledged FARM.
Welcome Back to Maggie's FARM
Now I didn't quite know what I was getting myself into when I walked back into this town.
What was once a trip to go up fishing real quick and return home to my COVID bubble.
Has now turned into a return to a different kind of home.
One that I once use to call Maggie's FARM!
You see, growing up as tiny rugrat, the FARM land was my first home.
Driving tractor, burning ditches, slaughtering cattle.
That was all just apart of growing back then.
Since then it seems that times have changed for this old FARMER.
I didn't want to work on Maggie's FARM any more and I sure as heck didn't want to work for Maggie's Brother no more.
I was tired of only making nickels after being promised dimes.
So I took what I had and I fled!
Since then I have faded into the wallpapers of Silicon Valley & cities abroad.
Only to find that the FARM life is coming back for me.
No, wait! Worse!
It's coming back for my nickels and my dimes.
The FARM life in the form of cryptocurrency.
I am shocked, appalled, and honored to be returning to such a sight.
You can bet your sweet smoked ribs I'll be participating in what the FARM has to offer.
I might even start driving Tractor again!
All in the name of Harvesting some FARM through Harvest.Finance.
Now since I am a returning FARM hand of the traditional type.
I assume it is going to take awhile before an old codger like me can catch up.
With that said, it is time to teach an Old Farmer some new tricks.
Be on the lookout soon for an update on what I think about FARM, Harvest.Finance, DeFi, & all this other groovy fun stuff happening in the world today!
Last but not least I must say.
Few know this, but even fewer become FARM hands themselves.
Thank you for reading!
Use my referral link to sign up for Crypto.com and we both get $50 USD 🙂
Follow on Twitter if you dare!
Hodl with Blockfi and get $50 USD schmeckles