new visa crypto partners by trevor balthrop

New VISA Bitcoin Partners!

By Redhead.cro | Trevor Balthrop | 20 Nov 2020

Hello there again Bullish crypto world!

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There is a ton of news coming out all over the place and one that caught my eye specifically was this one from VISA.

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This official Press Release from VISA's newsroom lists some pretty notable things on it.

Did you notice anything on there?


If only able to glance, there is no need to worry.

I will spare you that grief by posting to your here.


I highly recommend taking a look some time soon. 😎

VISA is Expanding!

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Bitcoin is expanding!

Cryptocurrency, in its entirety, is expanding!

Yes, your eyes are not deceiving you & yes; you should be in disbelief even more now.

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These partnerships VISA announced today marks a huge leap forward for hodlers everywhere.

Many of them are partnerships you may have already seen here in my posts too.

So if you haven't given them a try yet, this announcement might help with that decision 😉

List of new VISA Partnerships: 

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Sutton Bank

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trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum fintech blockchain analysis market whale


trevor balthrop bitcoin ethereum fintech blockchain analysis market whale

There are more partnerships listed in the source I have included to VISA's press release.

I'll leave out what I think this means for another article or for the comments section.

In the meantime, enjoy these highs & good luck out there brave ones!

Thank you tons for reading!

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Trevor Balthrop

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