HELLO, out in the world of Cryptocurrency!
My name is Trevor and today I wanted to talk to you about some differences between beginner crypto investing versus Pro level crypto investing.
"Well, Trevor, what are the differences and why is it so important?"
Easy Crypto or Pro Crypto?
That is the question!
The question that most beginners miss when it comes to Cryptocurrency.
It is important to start out knowing that getting into Crypto investing or trading is no easy task.
While it might be easy for some, it is inherently more difficult for others!
Especially when you consider the fact that there are so many different ways to become invested.
The overwhelming technical aspects of Cryptocurrency are probably what sends most people running.
Leaving behind only those that are patient enough to stick around and learn everything they can as humanly possible!
These minor frustrations really leave a lot of the public out of the loop on good Cryptocurrency benefits.
The Crypto Markets are pumping and going mainstream corporate on everyone.
It has already become easier than ever for regular everyday people like us to get into Crypto.
Really the only question investors should be aware of now is,
"Should I go the easy route?"
"Should I go Pro?"
Both very attainable and easily manageable for anyone new or experienced.
Checklist for Easy Crypto
- No Tech or Computer experience needed
- Consider this a Part-Time activity
- Find a Secure/Trustworthy App you can use from your Phone
- DO NOT forget your password or Recovery options!
- Start with at least $100 a month
- Use an App that pays interest for staking
- Pass your new account Sign-Up verification steps
- Be willing to transfer deposits from your Bank account
- Only trade Spot
- Avoid transaction fees as much as possible
- Buy only the most dominant Cryptocurrencies (like Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.)
- Plan to HODL for the long-term
- Know when to Sell
- Never touch your Emergency Funds!
- Check your Portfolio Weekly or Monthly and make adjustments if needed
Whew, what a list for beginners!
Those that are new to Bitcoin or Digitals Assets like Ethereum can benefit greatly from a checklist like this one.
Additionally, anyone looking to slow down a little bit on their recent Crypto explorations can also benefit greatly from this checklist.
Consider sticking to these pointers when looking to go the easy steady route with Cryptocurrency investing.
Or, if you are looking to get deep into the Cryptocurrency life there is always the option of going full time!
Checklist for Pro Crypto
- Beginner to Advanced level understanding in Computer AND Financial services
- Consider this a Full-Time activity
- Be ready to use both your Phone and Computer a lot
- Get better internet
- Have at least $5000 already invested in Cryptocurrencies like Ethereum
- DO NOT forget to always check your wallet addresses when sending money
- Get familiar with KYC sign-up processes
- Prepare to have a lot of different Wallets, Apps, and Websites to keep track of
- Stay organized and keep track of your Investments daily
- Set notifications for important events and make sure they work
- Potentially do some Mining by purchasing a Mining Rig
- Learn the ins-and-outs of Trading
- Do both Spot and Leverage trading
- Learn how to Manage Risk
- Have multiple Emergency Funds you NEVER touch
- Continue Buying dominant coins using Dollar Cost Averaging
- Do not go all-In on a bunch of S**tcoins
- Know when to take a break and slow down!
- Learn how to use DeFi & NFT's
- Earn Crypto for doing things like working Jobs, Art, Reading, Writing, attending Events, being an Ambassador or Voting
Another chunky list but a good reminder for Pro's and Beginners alike to refer to.
Of course, I could go more in-depth into both categories here of Easy versus Pro cryptocurrency tips.
Since there is a lot to dive into with both of these I felt it would be better to make a video later for each one!
Today this article is just a quick list created for you to enjoy by yours truly!
Stay on the lookout for more upcoming videos and articles on the way out to help all of us enjoy more Crypto shenanigans.
Thanks so much for watching and/or reading, Liking, Subscribing, Commenting, and everything else I can thank you hooligans for!
My name is Trevor Balthrop this is my signature and article!😬
Publish0x Blog: https://www.publish0x.com/trevor-balthrop?a=lNbWBBJayg
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