Hello there people of the WOODS!
This post is in celebration of an up and coming $20k Bitcoin price 🚀
"But Trevor!"
"Bitcoin hasn't hit $20k yet!"
You might be thinking this now but what about after Bitcoin hits $20k?
Technically, at the price it is now, we could have already missed a good entry thousands of dollars down ago.
We are moonin'!
It was many moons ago when Bitcoin performed as well as it has been recently.
Anyone that thinks this is going to be a short Moon cycle so-to-speak.
They just might have another thing coming!
The Moon has barely started to peer over the horizon.
The Sun has set for bears to officially hibernate for this years winter season.
And a big ol' phat full moon is going to light up the forest the entire time.
Welcome to the Bretton Woods
Yes, reading through the intro might sound dramatic or over-hyped.
"What is all of this trying to show me?"
"Why the hell is this weird Trevor guy talking about Bretton Woods?"
I can hear the comments already!
This is fare warning though as I am just trying to lookout for anyone reading.
You may want to bookmark this as a reminder to refer back to over the next months.
DO NOT go running into the bright shiny forest blindly without understanding these things first.
Otherwise, you may never get out of the Bretton Woods to tell the tale!
It is hard enough, as it was, navigating a poorly lit forest blindly.
Too many people make the same blind mistakes when we enter.
Yet, it so rarely occurs that it would be disappointing to miss out on!
So what is Bretton Woods?
Now the Wikipedia has details on what the Bretton Woods "system" which is definitely what I am referring to here!
Reading through the Wiki or researching it elsewhere will help us understand this article better.
Not needed!
But again.
Do we really want to enter a crazy dangerous forest without some tips?
Or what about a map?
The Bretton Woods we are entering is inevitable whether people enter the forest or not.
It is tough enough already outside of the forest to survive!
Sadly, 90% of people that are already in the forest trying to "get-rich-quick" will instead "get-lost-quick".
Even crazier, is that 99% of people don't even know they entered a dangerous forest.
Even more crazier than that, is how so few people in the world even know about the Bretton Woods system.
Think about this next thing before you keep navigating through these exciting times
The Bretton Woods system is currently underway for cryptocurrency!
This is HUGE news for crypto & it has literally only just begun!
Cryptocurrencies are now entering a phase where troves of more people trust it.
Compared to 2016-2017 when decentralized digitized assets were not trustworthy, nowhere near Bretton Woods, and yet still skyrocketed to its historic highs.
Be careful here though!
Those times were NOT Bretton Woods times!
Those were good times for many people obviously, however, Bitcoin & Ethereum or anything else for that matter.
Those were all considered the most riskiest assets ever adopted at the time.
Those were Moon times!
While they were the best of times, they were also the worst of times in many ways too.
Not trying to be a downer or strike fear but those times were still dark.
The Moon came out as it normally does with a few bright full moony nights here and there.
But nothing like what we are about to experience 😎
Forks in Roads
What is the obvious difference between the dark forests of the past & now?
The light!
The forest was here all along but things were hard to see in the dark all the time.
It was scary to navigate those times for practically everyone and there were literally no paths.
A fork in the road back then was non-existence compared to nowadays!
That is not to be confused with the term FORKING here in cryptomania land.
Interestingly enough however!
Forking cryptocurrencies & that term derived from the idea that there is a fork in the road of a major project.
Not making that up either!
That is why it makes so much gosh dang sense to so many engs.
Forks in the roads did not exist back then and those roads have been paved now.
So now when it is light out, anyone navigating through the woods can easily be guided in a safe direction.
They take the path that leads to their demise.
So while people have been entering the forest for awhile now.
They still navigate blindly or get lost.
But as time has gone on, they have regained their vision finding their ways out.
Paving paths along the way for us to take so we don't make the same mistakes!
Rocky Trails
One thing to realize about the woods, Bretton or not, is that you are 100% going to lose your trail.
Assume that every trail you take is up slope & rocky.
Even if your frolicking through all the little Bitcoin Ethereum flowers feeling on top and comfortable at last.
Reality check Goldilocks!
At any time, dark or bright, day or night; those Bears are out there getting ready.
Do you really want to walk all the way up a slippery hill of success only for some Bear to come around?
That bear could eat everything when you least expect it!
Eating your entire picnic basket.
Or worse!
If not careful a smart bear will slowly starve you out by eating your things first then goes on to eat you alive.
Literally alive too!
In these hypothetical woods you will stay alive the entire time a bear consumes you.
So remember!
Always expect the worst around every corner of Bretton Woods because the trails are rough stuff.
Don't Feed The Bears
The bears have always been known to be brutal forces in financial markets everywhere.
That is especially true with Cryptocurrency!
This adorably themed article should not fool you into thinking bears are completely gone for now.
Wake one of them up & you could get clobbered pretty hard really quickly.
Would you wake up a giant bear on a bright Moonshiny night?
What about an entire cave of hibernating bears?
It happens!
When someone wakes up bears in a bull market like this they go wild wiping out everyone in the area before returning back to bed.
People forget this but people also wait for it too!
It is important to recognize both and remember DON'T FEED THE BEARS.
Other people can do it by mistake or if they dare but if you can help.
Try to be the people that only do it by mistake every once in awhile.
It will make fending off things like wolves easier!
Other Animals
Of course there are other animals out there in the Bretton of Woods!
Other animals like you, the bears, the bulls, and even some unicorns which is a pretty neat spectacle.
Other than waking up bears, it is important people still lookout for things like big bad wolves!
Those sneaky-thirsty-hungry mountain lions too, just absolutely terrible.
That was before Moon times!
Now every night is lit fam.
So like a candle in the night, everything you can see, sees you too.
It is poorly lit and sometimes the roads aren't quite paved yet completely.
Only to get cornered by a pack of hungry crypto wolves who scam you out of some token by picking you apart.
Some would argue that old times were safer!
At least back then there were nights we had breaks from the full moon's glare.
The animals that could see in the dark might be fully blind in this light some times.
The ones who could not see, can see everything now, including you and everything you have seen.
There is almost nowhere to hide from some of these animals and little way of guidance from anyone bright enough to show you the ways!
Just the Beginning
Before the woods turned Bretton there was no sign indicating how things started.
A welcome sign would have been nice but it was mostly dark outside anyways!
If there were are sign that said "Bretton Woods - Enter At Your Own Risk", it would be poorly lit and hard to see.
That sign was quietly staked in 2018 by some of the world's most powerful influential people.
Nine years after Bitcoin's inception!
Was just the beginning of the deep risky Bretton Woods area.
Bitcoin's "true" beginning may have been long ago, but it's "real" beginning is well!
Shaping up well!
Very VERY well.
But it is also very VERY risky.
Why is that?
The sign is enticing visitors into the forest more than ever now because they can see it under the moonlight.
If you think outside the box a little bit and try to imagine things this way.
It will make it easier to see your way through to make it out of the woods.
Bretton Woods is officially being recognized as one of the best forests to trek into!
If you make it out.
Bretton Woods is a GIANT Forest
This might be the single biggest tipoff of them all when it comes to entering the woods.
99% of people enter it alone.
Before you enter the forest alone, it would probably be important to figure out just how big the forest is.
How big is Bretton Woods?
Consider these few things first before understanding just how big this thing is.
The part of the forest I'm referring to was connected to what was previously considered Bretton Woods.
Wo what's happening is this!
This is an expansion. No kidding!
This place with the new Bretton Woods sign?
Yeah that thing?
That wasn't the first Bretton Woods sign.
It turns out all the other investors that travelled through Bretton Woods decades before had no clue a bigger crazier forest existed.
Literally attached to the same Bretton Woods we have been dragging ourselves through this entire time!
The forest we once thought we knew so well turned out to be a bigger beast than we could ever have imagined.
So before you jump straight into some of the most dangerous parts of the wilderness.
Be prepared, don't be scared, & have fun!
Thank you tons for reading!
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