
16 Crypto Questions - Japanese Version

By cryotosensei | travelinJapan | 19 Aug 2023

Supporters of my writing may know that I try to ask at least one question on r/cryptocurrency every day so as to farm for moons that can be converted to cash. Well, my brain cells are exhausted, and I’m not too brilliant in the first place, so I find that I lack the inspiration to continue my valiant question generation efforts.

Though my inadequate mind turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Intuitively, I turned to Japanese because I did study it every day for two years. Here are my attempts to link Japanese words/phrases/sayings to the world of crypto. Enjoy! 

  1. *Wabi-sabi* (わびさび) is a Japanese term that calls upon us to appreciate the beauty of something with all its quirks and changes with age. Take a mindful moment and view your portfolio through the lens of wabi-sabi.
  2. The ideogram for ‘human’ can be found in every character of *daijoubu* (大丈夫)  , the Japanese word for “It’s fine”. Which goes to say that when you lose tonnes in crypto investing, you will survive it when you have the support of people around you.
  3. “Kokology," based on the Japanese word kokoro, 心meaning "spirit" or "mind," is a fun and psychological personality test. What will your crypto habits reveal about your personality?
  4. Kaizen 改善 is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement". How are you Kaizen-ing your crypto game?
  5. Japanese is great for having onomatopoeia like *pika pika* (ピカピカ glittering) n *kira kira* (キラキラ sparkling). May your crypto portfolio be pika pika n kira kira!
  6. Kansha 感謝 is what the Japanese say when they want to express gratitude towards someone or for things that they are blessed with. What part of your crypto journey are you Kansha about?
  7. Omotenashi おもてなし is a concept that guides Japanese people to entertain or welcome their guests in a thoughtful and selfless way. Which crypto sub makes you feel the most welcomed?
  8. *Ichigo ichie* 一期一会 is a Japanese phrase that means "once in a lifetime experience" and stresses the importance of treasuring each moment or meeting in life. How are you practising *ichigo ichie* today?
  9. A Zen koan says, “When you can do nothing, what can you do?” What will you do?
  10. BTC hits $30k. Reminds of me of the Japanese idiom 花鳥風月 (made up of the characters for flowers, birds, breeze and moon). Nature is beautiful, so is Bitcoin at $30k. Hope this scenic sight will continue!
  11. 七転び八起き (nana korobi ya oki). A Japanese proverb that means “fall down seven times but get up eight times”. Reminds me never to give up and always stand up after a setback to keep on investing. What positive message do you use for your crypto investing journey?
  12. Shirin Yoku (森林浴) is a Japanese practice that advocates spending time in the forest to absorb its calming vibes. Sounds like a good way to detach yourself from crypto. What do you do to unwind from crypto?
  13. 三寒四温 (3 cold days and 4 warm days) is a Japanese idiom that describes the end of winter. So even when it’s winter, there will be some warm days. Let’s have faith that the crypto bull run will fall upon us soon!
  14. 自画自賛 (jiga jisan) is a Japanese idiom to refer to the act of praising oneself. What’s something you are proud to have done in crypto recently?
  15. 5S is a five-step methodology used in housekeeping. The "S"s are derived from the following Japanese words: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke (Sort, Straighten, Shine, Standardize, Sustain ー整理、整頓、清掃、清潔、仕付け) Do you apply any of these 5 “S”s in your crypto portfolio?
  16. Have you ever heard of the Japanese proverb うなぎのぼり (unagi nobori)? Inspired by eels swimming upstream, it means “climbing like an eel” and describes the sudden rise of something. You know, like our Moons!

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