A Visit to Odaiba, Tokyo


Diver City in Odaiba is located east of Tokyo. It's a huge shopping mall in a man-made island. We visited it in my first trip to Japan. It was March 2018 and winter season is not yet over. The day before, we went skiing for us to experience snow. The kids had the time of their lives.

Anyway, this post is about "metal" in #POBphotocontest. There are two gigantic metal statues in Odaiba. One is the life size Gundam statue and the other is a replica of the Statue of Liberty.

Gundam Unicorn


The Gundam Unicorn statue is in front of the Diver City mall. It's a 20 meter life size statue of the Gundam Unicorn from the anime series. We took this photo at night to see it in "Destroy Mode". There are panels opened in the statue and red lights are flashing from it. I'm amazed how this looks like a real fighter robot. A resort in our country did their own Gundam statue and the result was embarrassing 😅


It was very cold that evening so we didn't stay that long as much as we wanted to. Earlier we strolled around Odaiba and took some photos around the Statue of Liberty replica.

Statue of Liberty


The Statue of Liberty was made using the same technique as the original. It's made of bronze, stands 11 meters tall and weighs 9 tons. It was made in France and donated to Tokyo.


Here, it's not only cold, it was windy as well. For somebody living in a tropical country the cold was unbearable. I was wearing several layers of clothes and it wasn't enough to warm me.

We were in Odaiba from noon until night. It was cold and chilly but it was fun to see sights that we don't see often in our own country.

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Travel, Photography, Movies and Others

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