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As well as write-ups on trading and economy, I also use my account to share my personal trading shortlists and trade set-ups:

1*N8ODQPmVTNeHDGIkvCE7Mw.png Daily (where available) trade set-ups for forex, commodities, indices and bonds, and crypto

And All-Star Trade Set-Ups including:

1*mPD6YlktAv7A1gz5KpeCmQ.png All-Star Trade Set-Ups for those trades that have the potential for considerable return, or those that meet criteria of multiple trading styles (entries and targets available for only ₿0.001)

So do pop over and say hello =]

*intended to be educational 📚✔️; not financial advice ❌📈;  nor premonition ❌🔮
I am a teacher; not a financial advisor; nor a psychic.

Trade safe, y'all! 💗👻

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TL;DR is a two-person 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 trading team who use EW Theory, Fibs, Bollingers and more to provide a free trade ideas across crypto, traditional and stock markets; as well as "requests" and an educational community :) 💡minds - ®️readcash - 🔴locals

TL;DR Economy / TL;DR Economia
TL;DR Economy / TL;DR Economia

🇬🇧 Please also check 💡Minds and 🔴Locals for twice-daily trading updates *intended to be educational 📚✔️; not financial advice ❌📈; nor premonition ❌🔮... I am a teacher; not a financial advisor; nor a psychic. ~~~~~~~~~~ 🇪🇸 También pasé por las redes sociales de💡Minds y 🔴Locals para obtener actualizaciones dos veces al día de compra-ventas *destinado a ser educativo📚✔️; no asesoramiento financiero❌📈; ni presentimiento❌🔮

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