The Changeling Cocktail

The Changeling Cocktail Recipe

The Changeling

This is a swizzle style cocktail mixed and stirred in a tall glass, that flavor shifts from start to finish. It starts with a bitter-sweet grapefruit flavor, then berry sweet, and ends with an herbal & bitter finish.

The Changeling Cocktail

-In a tall Collins glass, add the following ingredients-

2 oz Gin (Roku)
2 oz Bittermilk Charred Grapefruit Tonic
2 oz Sparkling Water

-Stir in a tall glass with crushed ice until chilled-

Add on top of ice in this exact order...
1 Barspoon Blackberry & Tarragon Syrup (Calwise Spirits/Western Fruit Exchange)
1 dash Jerry Thomas Bitters (The Bitter Truth)
1/4 oz Gentian Amaro (Lo-Fi Aperitifs)

-Garnish with sprigs of fresh Rosemary and char with a butane torch-

Do not stir the cocktail! Sip and the flavor will shift as you finish the drink. Cheers! -KK

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Kahuna Kevin
Kahuna Kevin

Tiki Cocktail Bar Guide Author since 2009

Tiki & Craft Cocktail Recipes by Kahuna Kevin
Tiki & Craft Cocktail Recipes by Kahuna Kevin

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