
Theta unveiled 2025 roadmap

Theta unveiled 2025 roadmap


2024 was super exciting for Theta and after reading through the Theta 2025 roadmap I know it is going to be another significant year. Here I would like to bring you some of their call out items. Theta broke down their robust '25 roadmap into two equal sections the first half and second half 2025.


First Half Milestones

June 25th and will bring a Beta release of Theta's Hybrid Edge Cloud designed to meet the rapidly expanding demand for resources. Some features include:

  • Hybrid cloud edge computing for AI and video powered by edge network
  • Jobs and payload marketplace, jobs supply & demand optimization
  • Developer API interface

Customer Requested Features

  • Persistent storage for AI model training
  • GPU node v2 update including GPU instance start-stop
  • On-demand model API

BETA release AI Agents on EdgeCloud 

  • Further enhancing RAG Chatbot with online search and SQL analysis capabilities
  • AI Agent Builder which allows users to build AI Agents that can intelligently leverage external tools


Second Half Milestones - these are roughly defined at this point. 

  • Theta's Hackathon will move to an in-person event and include 
    • Focus on EdgeCloud AI, video, and compute use cases
    • Ongoing support of successful community dev projects
  • TDROP will evolve into a user engagement token via newly developed utility functionality, start w/ OpenTheta building upon last years support.
  • Full release of Theta's Hybrid Edge Cloud which will be the world’s most powerful aggregation of decentralized global compute, enabling the use cases of today and tomorrow. Such use cases cover a broad spectrum across 3D rendering, AI, video, GPU-intensive financial modeling, scientific research and more I fully expect more to be added before it is 100% live.



In my estimate, Theta needs to continue to build on their successes and subsequently their price action will increase as well. Based on this robust roadmap Theta is THE blockchain to watch in 2025.  Are you planning on using more of Theta's offerings?  Are you planning on adding to your Theta positions?



Credits: Blog Pic - Theta - all rights remain!

Disclaimer - I am not an employee nor an agent of Theta, although it sounds super exciting!

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Keith Thuerk
Keith Thuerk

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