Make Bitcoin while listening to music and withdrawal to coinbase.

By Torsovomit | TheCoinCollector | 22 Nov 2021

Hello there!!

Just bringing you a new way to earn Bitcoin that I came across a little bit ago, would have shared this sooner but wanted to see how it worked n all that jazz first.

So bassically it's free streaming music that has countless radio stations for all genres of music, from Dua Lipa to Cannibal Corpse lol

So if you listen to it I am sure it will be on there, the radio stations(internet ones) are a really good way to find new music so really just letting it play is pretty decent but you can search and it will even tell you if that song is upcoming or show you stations that usually play the song.

So if your looking for a song any station that pops up will either be playing it or will be other songs or artists that you most likely do listen to. Best part is you get paid by the minute, which you can boost also.

I like music and I like making Bitcoin so it's kind of a win win for me, I usually have it playing on my Sony blue tooth speaker in my living room while I am gaming out or cleaning, I've played it at work to as we're aloud to listen to music in the kitchen.

So give it a try

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