Read the Sept 24, 2020 Weekly Stash Portfolio Update and Reminder

Weekly Stash Portfolio Update and Reminder - Sept 24, 2020

By tvlachak | The Weekly Summary | 24 Sep 2020

Stash Stock Party Reminder

FREE Fractional Share of Stock

It's Thursday and you know that means. US investors get to participate in the Stash Stock Party.

I don't know about you, but this will be my 78th Stash Stock Party.

The more people that participate to boost the PARTY POWER, the more each person gets from the pot!

If you're a Stash member, log into your account at 4 pm EDT and claim the free stock offering of the week by going to the following link:

You have 30 minutes to get one free fractional share of a company that Stash will feature.

In the early afternoon before the Stash Stock Party, pay a visit to the Stash Twitter account. Stash will let you know a few hours in advance what company they will be giving away. Sometimes they even poll everyone the day of the Stash Stock Party where anyone can vote on Twitter.

Once the party’s over, Stash will email you within a few hours of your bonus stock to you.

My Weekly Stash Stock Party Portfolio Update

Last Thursday, the free giveaway was $0.45 of Starbucks ($SBUX) stock.

Most of my free Stash Stock Party stock giveaways that I've received since March have positive returns

Some of my stock winners (based on individual Stash Stock Parties by date):

  • Lowe's - $LOW 36.33%
  • Etsy - $ETSY 41.20%
  • Deere & Co. - $DE 49.16%
  • Adobe - $ADBE 51.57%
  • GrubHub - $GRUB 63.25%
  • Spotify - $SPOT 63.26%

There are many more free stocks I've received that are in the green. Here's my spreadsheet tracking all of the free stocks I've claimed since March 9th.

My spreadsheet is tracking:

  • #StashStockParty dates
  • Company/Stock Symbols
  • Amounts received
  • Purchase Prices
  • Shares received
  • Current Prices (via Google Finance)
  • Amounts Now
  • Return %

According to my Stash Stock Party spreadsheetI've received $26.05 of free stock from Stash.

My total return of 15.78% brings the current total amount of my Stash Stock Party portfolio to $30.16.

If you're not a Stash member, please consider using my affiliate link. If you join Stash through my link, you'll get a $20 sign-up bonus.

Based on the Terms and Conditions, a new Stash member (in the United States) can start their account with as little as $0.01 in order to get the $20 bonus.

To constitute a “Qualifying New Invest Account” hereunder, your referee friend must (i) complete the process of opening a Stash Invest Account by using the special designated referral link from your invitation, (ii) link a funding account (e.g. an external bank account) to their Stash Invest Account, and (iii) initiate a minimum deposit of at least one cent ($0.01) into their Stash Invest Account.

To be eligible to receive a Stash Stock Party Stock Reward you must have a Stash personal investment account in good standing with a valid email address.


Ideas and information presented in my articles are for educational purposes only and not intended to be investment advice. Investments in the stock market and cryptocurrency could be speculative and volatile and result in money loss. Always conduct your own research. You may want to obtain independent legal, financial, taxation, and/or other professional advice with respect to any information from this content. I may mention products or services and some of those products are affiliate links that reward me.

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I'm a student of personal finance, investing, cryptocurrency, NFTs, & blockchain. I try to learn in public on The Weekly Summary. I'm also a foodie that loves fitness.

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