My Shiny New Tall Ship Silver Bar

Good Morning all

Today I will show you my newly acquired 1gram tall ship silver bar from CMCMINT.
This was more of an impulse buy as I saw it, loved the design, and decided I had to have it!


I had to zoom in to get a good picture as this thing is tiny!


I did also get it a nice little clear protective box to store it or I reckon I would lose this in a day easily.

Now onto the big question I asked myself when I bought this.
The cost came to 5HBD for the bar and 1 HBD for the clear storage case.

When you take into account the sheer premium that was paid on this bar, it is utter madness that I paid it. But the design and the opportunity was too good to pass up.

At the time of writing 1oz of silver was $30.78.
28.68 grams are in 1 oz so price wise we are looking at roughly a 5x premium paid.

Do I regret it?
No I don't due to the awesome design and the whole idea of owning this is pretty cool for me.

The further I go in my stacker journey I am noticing that I am drawn to more fun and obscure items which one day I hope to own.

I have also branched out into coin collecting that aren't 99.9% silver as the value was well worth the purchase price. Il be showing these as the weeks go on so make sure to come check them out

If you are interested in finding out more about stacking or just want some call people to chat with come and join the Discord

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A lover of Crypto and Board Games

The Precious Metal Stacking Journey
The Precious Metal Stacking Journey

Time to document the Journey that I started in March 2024. Precious metals is the goal at the end of the day. I Planned to start with silver, and if I do well move into gold.

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