Three Scorpions

By Will Jones | The nSAIOL Matrix | 4 Aug 2024

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Three Scorpions





Such the bounty of a coastline

cracking lightning of Dubai storm 

 three scorpions 

I saw

in the haze of  


off Emirate shores


Such the beauty of a coastline

crackling lightning of electrical storm

 an emotive blend 

I saw

in the haze of  PDVSA

off Venezuelan shores


after the sunrise and a blink so fine


riding the Benguelan current towards

to Angolan shores

Such as exquisite Gibraltar's warming torrents

rivaling the finest fjords of past lore

 three scorpions 



nSAIOL motto is Akpị Atọ

tatu nge shaped in the form of a lasso

of course 

preface on lake Michigan's shore

seeming miscreants with skeletal forms

from the southern rim I soared

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Will Jones
Will Jones

I'm the pioneer, creator and believer of what I call the intellectual set technique. I simply appreciate spaces where tech and liberal arts creates a meta-life.

The nSAIOL Matrix
The nSAIOL Matrix

"Network Sounds And Images Of Life... Matrix" is an interest that details the success and aesthetic of my future. I love this stuff.

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