Coinmarketcap RE-earn: SAND - quiz answers

By Lucasgaio | The Microcoiner | 7 Sep 2021

The famous Coinmarketcap platform often publishes campaigns where those who watch videos and answer simple quizzes with a certain token. This serves to educate more and more people about what cryptocurrencies are and thus increase mass adoption. This time Coinmarketcap offers again the quiz related to The Sandbox (SAND).


To receive the token airdrop you need to hurry, before stocks run out. You have to connect to THIS site and click on "take the quiz". Then you will be asked for your email address with which you are registered on Coinmarketcap and your Binance user ID.

Finally, some simple questions to which you will find answers below:

  • Ethereum 
  • Playing games 
  • Stablecoin
  • VoxEdit
  • All of the above 
  • All of the above 
  • Integrate them and Publish their game experiences 
  • All of the above 


(Let me know if there are incorrect answers!) 


At the end you have to add SAND to your watchlist, make it public, copy the link and paste it on the box.



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Having survived more bear-markets than I wanted to, I'm a pharmacist who likes crypto. Follow me on X: Follow me on DeBank:

The Microcoiner
The Microcoiner

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