In what could be a scene from George Orwell (corrected) 1984, became a nightmarish reality in the State of Utah. Taxpayers money which paid for an event did not allow journalists under the 1st amendment, the freedom of speech, to video or report on the event. This violates United States Sovereignty and could hold ramifications.
The real question is what is now going to be done about it. The United nations does not have any authority of the United states and must vacate if the majority of the country demand it. The only Law we answer to is United states Law and the Constitution. On our soil the UN must obey our laws their laws do not apply here.
The Founding Fathers written the legislation which clearly shows that the United Nations Does not have any independent authority of the United States. What one has to understand is that only if you allow it, they can be ran out like rats. This has never happened and now needs to be addressed by the Administration
The Video Below shows a foreigner depriving The rights that we are all granted here on US Soil.
UN Takes Over Utah
UN Violates Sovereignty, Occupies Utah
The UN has Little Independent power or authority