14 Days of Crabsmas - NFT Giveaway - DAY 1

By Kuroshio | The Good Things in Life | 10 Dec 2021

Greetings fellow P0X users.

Keeping with the spirit of the gift giving season, the time has come for me to do a giveaway of my first NFT series Coenobitae, also known as Land Hermit Crabs in Layman's terms.

I will give away one crab (there are 14 kinds in total) to one lucky reader every day for 14 days leading up to Christmas, be sure to read below for details on how to enter the giveaway. Among the 14, there are also rare and ultra-rare crabs, so make sure to check every day if you really want to snag a special one!

Today's giveaway is Coenobita brevimanus, a.k.a. the Indonesian Hermit Crab (see the NFT here). This is the largest of the Coenobita species, often found away from the shore throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. Because of their size, they often struggle to find well fitting shells, and end up using discarded trash instead, so the next time you find that big beautiful shell on a tropical beach, consider that it may be more useful to a hermit crab as a home, than to you as a decoration.

The rules to enter the giveaway are simple:
1. Follow this blog
2. Make a social media post on the platform of your choice, promoting, and linking to the collection on AtomicHub (or linking to this blog post is fine too). Twitter, Reddit, Torum, YouTube, even here on P0X are all acceptable options.
3. Comment below with your Wax address, AND a link to your social media post, and wait for the results.


The winner will be chosen by a random number generator from all the submissions roughly 24 hours after this post is published, and announced in tomorrow's post. If you don't win, don't despair, you can keep entering every day until the last one is gone. And the crabs will also go on sale at the same time as the giveaway, so don't miss the chance to buy one cheaply!

Thank you for reading, good luck in the giveaway, and remember to enjoy the good things in life!





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The Good Things in Life
The Good Things in Life

Writing about all the positive things I'd like to share with the readers of Publish0x. I've found many posts on this site that have peaked my interest, and I hope I can return the favor.

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