Greed and Human behavior- a short essay

Greed and Human behavior- a short essay.


I am by no means claiming to be a financial whizz or super intelligent investor. I do however consider myself somewhat humbly smart.

Smart as in I survived homelessness in NYC for years to dig myself up. I returned to my native country Sweden and helped my family get back on their feet, started a family, and went from sleeping in NYC subways to having a tiny property in Sweden and a nest egg.


I have a B.A in Anthropology and education from the concrete jungle.  I have been scammed, tricked and lost it all I admit. I am still here back on my feet. What I learned from all this is that you can trust human behavior, can't trust humans.


It seems to me that the best investors understand humans more than they understand numbers and graphs, they are psychologists and anthropologists. They are more concerned with how humans will react to the numbers than the numbers itself.

If humans studied behavior more, maybe we could have avoided the SBF, FTX scandal and people would not lose money.



Let's examine.


-Sam Bankman Fried( SBF), states himself that he got into crypto cause it was a way to make a bunch of money quickly, he wants a lot of it to give away.


-I have to contrast that with the guy that gave me my first pieces of Bitcoin in 2010, he gave it away for free. Was a part of the Occupy Wall Street movement and paid a PT session with it cause he wanted me to take part of this new technology and freedom it gave. He was all about society, giving back, creating a new world.  The early crypto punks were not people trying to grift or make money they were kids, naive, dreamers. Believers. That's where technology is, before Wall Street, before NFT and making money. I doubt Vitalik started Ethereum as a young man thinking I am going to create this cause it's gonna make me rich.


  • He amazes his wealth through crypto arbitrage, taking ADVANTAGE, of different prices



  • So he is clearly smart, MIT, how are these people sometimes in my experience they tend to think that they are the smartest people around and others are stupid. He took advantage of a nascent industry, nothing wrong with that but that must also feed into the ego of being smarter. Plus he is doing this at a young age, when you are young you tend to know everything and be invincible. 


All this points to me in hindsight that the purest intentions are usually the oldest ones, when it comes to new innovations. It helps to study history and get knowledgeable. Bitcoin is only the first successful cryptocurrency and Satoshi Nakamoto successfully solved an old problem. THe two generals' dilemma. To make the first decentralized financial transfer service. That's huge. But he did not invent cryptocurrency. It’s been around since 1983. THe same as the electric car first got introduced in 1890 in the USA. Tesla is not the first. Satoshi is not the first, they are just the most honest iteration. The original that managed to create a technology that was financially succesfuöl. And so the copycats come wanting a piece of the cake.


For me I think personally the most honest safest bet is to go with the oldest mainstream cryptos. Bitcoin and Etherum. Who knows I believe DESO is the first to successfully solve the social media dilemma and help content creators monetize in a fair and transparent way. 


But stay safe, go with the old and trust. Use your human experience and life experience in investments.

Looking back on this maybe might make CZ out to be the white knight we need to save DeFi.


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Swedish African personal trainer, Dad and husband (not in that order). But looking to share, explore and blog about my lifestyle and living.

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