Hello world,
This is my first foray into blogging. I have been happily married for 16 years, I am a father of two children (a boy and a girl), a picture perfect family with a dog, 2 cats, and an ankle biting angora rabbit named after a civil war general. I know as someone who can be considered a milennial with certain camps I should have embraced this media long while ago as soo many of my generation have but frankly I had little time to reflect on my experiences, let alone put them into a written format as life has been busy. Also I thought who would care to read about my journey when they are so involved with their own busy lives. Maybe this will turn into its own form of therapy, and maybe by putting my thoughts and ideas out there it will benefit the community in some way.
I will focus mainly on how we have come to a point of stability after exiting a prematurely shortened career in the US Army... who knows, I may even start a separate blog to discuss my time on active duty at a later date. For now I will contend myself with discussion of how we are trying to make a living in a small new england town with me working for tthe man, and my wife finally able to achieve a longtime dream of running her own local yarn store , all while being aware of the impact of our choices upon the world around us. Core to our efforts thus far are the establishment of a modest no till garden (I learned I can grow huge amounts of tomatos with barely any effort, sadly, I do not really like tomoatos...), composting, rainwater capture/ reuse, keeping a flock of chickens (but chickens like tomatoes!), the installation of solar panels, and the purchase of an electric vehicle (soo fucking awesome!!). I do not claim to be an eco warrior, but I am concerned that humanity is reaching a tipping point were our actions are going to have severe consequences upon future generations and so by doing something to lessen my family's impact I rationalize to myself there is a way we can all do something better for our greater community.
More to follow,
Mike Out!