I gave up investing in Ripple | Opinion

By The Neath | The Darkside Of Crypto | 5 Nov 2024

The fact that Ripple's inventor, Kamala Harris, has spent money in political campaigns was the primary reason I quit investing in the cryptocurrency. Regardless of how advanced the technology they develop may be, I will never put money into political campaigns. In most cases, I favour maintaining a neutral stance regarding the political opinions and politics of other individuals. This has also been the case with Algo for a period of time. Advertising was the purpose for which they used the funds that they had gathered for the World Cup.

Despite the fact that advertising is essential, the laws that govern digital marketing in general have to be updated with relation to cryptocurrencies. Because the ability to manage one's finances is essential.

When it comes to trading, trust is the most important factor, yet as investors, we all have the capacity to be as successful as Soros or Warren Buffet.

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The Neath
The Neath

Since I have been interested in crypto since 2020.I give back to the internet what I learned from the internet

The Darkside Of Crypto
The Darkside Of Crypto

The primary objective behind the establishment of this blog is to disseminate knowledge pertaining to the negative aspects of cryptocurrencies and their realm. Undoubtedly, this community hosts a multitude of events. As a result, the purpose of this publication is to educate individuals regarding cryptocurrencies. Additionally, it is worth noting that this publication does not hold any negative views towards cryptocurrencies, and its proprietors are crypto enthusiasts themselves.

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