Case Study:Web 3 Gaming Works For Poor Countries

By The Naeth | The Darkside Of Crypto | 5 Aug 2024

Upon doing extensive investigation, I discovered that Web 3 gaming is very helpful for individuals in developing nations to earn a livelihood. That's what I mean by this. Making money while providing a valuable service to others. Truly, I'm a sucker for these kinds of initiatives.

After doing a long research, I saw that Web 3 gaming is especially useful for people in poor countries to make a living. This is what I'm talking about. Giving people something useful and making money. I'm a fan of such projects, no lie.

Some Web 3 gaming projects are based only on gambling and people cannot make any money.

To briefly explain the video, it explains that web 3 games make more money for people in poor countries. I put it in the reference section for you to watch if you want. I think I started to be like the well-intentioned brother who owns the internet cafe in the video.

I am also a working person who is not a white hat, making red team preparations. I purposely leave my digital mark. Because I am tired of scammers, black hats, etc. I even messaged my friend who works in cyber security to avoid being a black hat, and I will also share potential social engineering case studies that come to my mind in this blog. .

I don't want anyone to lose money over stupid things anymore.

The long-term social engineer of your neighborhood the naeth

Because my mind is starting to get really weird.





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The Naeth
The Naeth

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