Case Study:Web 2.0 Elitism Destroy New And Old Writers

By The Naeth | The Darkside Of Crypto | 4 Aug 2024

I hear that Facebook groups that unite readers and writers on Medium are being kicked out of the partner program for new and old writers.

I am absolutely sure that Medium does not care about writers, and I only post my own articles because the platform's SEO and SEM techniques are strong. It is normal for it to reduce earnings, but strange events are happening and with the increase in bot accounts, Medium is now a dead platform for writers.

I don't know what the new CEO is doing, but I don't have any thoughts about elitism and the boost program, because I didn't find it worth looking at.I don't care if an article I write is selected for the program, I'm just trying to provide valuable information.

People are already barely trying to make money online, or simply put, if you need to make money for content creators, people should keep writing on the platform.

Strange events are happening on the Platform.

In fact, some people in Facebook groups have started to sell Medium accounts registered to the MPP program or people have started to share a single account. This is what Medium does to writers, unfortunately. Since the platform does this and likes elitism, I will go and print artificial intelligence children's stories and sell them on Amazon. good. At least it's more flexible when it comes to making money

As for me, I will now use Medium only to maintain a backup of my articles, and I will continue to pay annually for the "Friend of Medium" membership to support writers (for observation).

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The Naeth
The Naeth

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