Brave Creators and Wordpress website verification - 100% working method

By 4NDR34 | The Crypto Starter Pack | 25 Oct 2020

Being registered on Brave Creators platform, what's the first thing you want to do with your website?

Well of course to validate it so that visitors can support you by tipping some BATs.

So I wanted to do too with one of my websites (


Looking around the web I found different guides of course, but most of the relying on WordPress plugin which normally I try to avoid to keep my dashboard lighter and because I don't really trust all of them. Not for privacy issue, but because many times they will give a random new error.

So it happened also this time, so I decided to proceed with an alternative method which, even though it's a bit more technical, will work 100% of the times.

So if you are struggling with your WordPress website or you did not verify it yet on Brave Creators, this is the right post for your.

The tools you will need:

  • FTP Account for your Website (normally it's provided by your hosting platform)
  • Filezilla (freely downloadable)
  • Brave Creators account

I will report a quick summary of the steps here below, but if you want to check the procedure in detail, you can visit the Blog of the website (

STEP 1 - Retrieve your FTP Account data from your hosting provider


STEP 2 - Retrieve your Brave Creator data

Once completed the setup procedure


You will reveive a string of this type: brave-ledger-verification=xxxxxxxx…

Save in on a text file named brave-rewards-verification.txt

STEP 3 - Login your website through Filezilla


By using the credentials of STEP 1

STEP 4 - Copy the file of STEP 2 into your website folder


Your have to copy the file in the exact folder you see in the picture (if it doesn't exist, create it).

Come back to Brave Creators dashboard, hit the verification button and you are done!


Your website is verified!

Just wait a bit (max 1/2 days) and you will be able to receive tips on your Website.


PS. Yes if you are using Brave on your smartphone, you can even tip your own Website to "transfer" those BAT to yourself. I know it's not the best approach but I guess many were wondering how to use those BAT from Brave mobile.





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