Crypto w/Kamal Ep. 37 - Elephant Money Futures & NFTs w/SKCryptoK

By KHubbard | The Crypto New Jack | 13 Aug 2023



In the previous edition of Crypto w/Kamal, I had an in-depth discussion with SKCryptoK on the Elephant.Money ecosystem. In this edition, we discuss the latest offerings to the Elephant.Money family of services, Futures and NFTs. Elephant Money Futures is a high yield cashflow engine that earns 0.5% daily on cash. Deposit 200+ BUSD and immediately start earning yield insured by the ELEPHANT Treasury. From there you can use many strategies to grow a nest egg, smooth out cashflow, or simply grow profits before entering ELEPHANT or the Farms. 





Elephant Money Unlimited is the one and only official NFT collection for Elephant Money. You can stake one or more Unlimited NFTs to earn a share of 1% of the ELEPHANT Treasury, paid out as ELEPHANT. Unlimited NFTs are a great way to earn long-term hassle-free rewards that scale with the success of the Elephant Money community.






Hope you enjoy the podcast and do further research into Elephant.Money before the train leaves the station.



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The Crypto New Jack
The Crypto New Jack

Haven't been in the game long enough to consider myself a crypto OG, but been around the block enough to combine my academic and professional experience to the blockchain and digital assets industry for what I hope are insightful and valuable opinions for this awesome, ever-growing community!

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