CageChain Newsletter #238 | Elephant Money Futures, BofA JPM and Wells Fargo Team Up for Digital Wallet, Celsius Restructure, Interesting Use of NFTs at Mardi Gras and More...

By KHubbard | The Crypto New Jack | 25 Jan 2023





Seven major banks, including Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo, have reportedly teamed up to launch a digital wallet that will compete with other third-party wallet providers such as Paypal and Apple Pay. Finding a decent bathroom amid the chaos and revelry of Mardi Gras can be tricky. But this year, when you gotta go, at least one venue in New Orleans will be happy to let you use theirs-if you have the NFT pass. Bankrupt crypto lender Celsius could soon restructure and issue a cryptocurrency token to compensate users, according to a report from Bloomberg on Jan. 24. During a court hearing, Celsius attorney Ross M. Kwasteniet said the company could be reorganized into a publicly-traded company with proper licensing. You can find these stories and more at the link below:


Newsletter #238


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The Crypto New Jack
The Crypto New Jack

Haven't been in the game long enough to consider myself a crypto OG, but been around the block enough to combine my academic and professional experience to the blockchain and digital assets industry for what I hope are insightful and valuable opinions for this awesome, ever-growing community!

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