Best gift for a patient

By Amjadwaince | Opinions & Thoughts | 30 Sep 2023

The best learning point is our own experience, observation and self analysis because it never goes wrong. Personal experience in which we go through by mentally and physically leaves true lessons for us.

We normally visit to our Sick beloved one who is admitted in hospital due to any reason. Visiting to patient has great value spiritually and emotionally for both. Visitor show sympathy, kind gesture, healing encouragement to patient which gives him a hope , reduce his blood pressure and anxiety and stress.

Most of us took some thing with us for patient because it never looks good to visit a patient with empty hands. ( It is not compulsory to take things with you but morally it fits). Your words like "Get well soon " , " insha'Allah you will be fine soon " , "Praying for your fast recovery" etc leave a magic impact over patient.

Taking something like juices, fruits, snacks or anything which may patient need is very good and we must practice it. But my personal experience is little different due to my last week's surgery and bed rest.

Best thing for a patient.

In my personal view and I hope you may agree to me that the best thing for a patient are flowers 🌺. The flowers gives best impact on his mood and health. His mind over flooded due to smelling of medicines , spirit, payodine and bad odour of environment.

Any seasonal fresh flowers fragrance can work more than a pill or more magically on his body. Also a pleasant gesture, fresh vibe of outside and fragrant petals puts hope alive to be recovered and go back to normal life.

I recommend you that pay a visit to any patient of family or friends and took some bouquet of seasonal flowers with you. You can read Dos and Don'ts , Definitely patient will get more speedy recovery along with the fragrance of flowers. Also that fragrance will change the atmosphere of the patient's room.

That's all for the day . Keep hawks eye on your health and do periodic check ups for early diagnosis and prevention.




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