When reality begins to look like a "Conspiracy Theory".

Yes, it seems to me that many here know about that moment when reality begins to resemble too much a "Conspiracy Theory."

And suddenly, it ceases to be theory and a conspiracy to become reality in front of our eyes. 😶

But, what is all this about? Yesterday someone shared a video in a chat room where I was. This video of the famous TEDTalks caught the attention at the time, especially because it speaks of the positive advances that can be generated when using the technology of the Blockchain.



The truth is that it is quite good, especially if you do not notice who is giving the conference. But if you look who the person is, that is the moment where the thing starts to get dark.

The conference speaker is Bettina Warburg. And who is Bettina Warburg?

According to the website TED.

Bettina Warburg is a blockchain researcher, entrepreneur and educator. A political scientist by training, she has a deep passion for the intersection of politics and technology.

A graduate of both Georgetown and Oxford, Bettina Warburg started her career as a political scientist and public foresight researcher at a prominent Silicon Valley think tank ...

... she spends most of her time incubating new startup ideas, advising Fortune 500 clients, governments and universities in developing minimum viable products, and strategizing around blockchain, artificial intelligence, industrial internet of things and digital platforms.

A woman of the 21st century!

Surely many will think that she must have worked hard to get where she has arrived. Well, maybe. But wait a minute ...


This last name sounds familiar to me. Let's see, let me check Google ... don't be 😈 1, 2, 3 ... And this is the first link that appears when I ask "Saint Google" about Warburg.


The Warburg family is a prominent German and American banking family of German Jewish descent, noted for their varied accomplishments in biochemistry, botany, political activism, economics, investment banking, law, physics, classical music, art history, pharmacology, physiology, finance, private equity and philanthropy.

They originated as the Venetian Jewish del Banco family, one of the wealthiest Venetian families in the early 16th century.

Hmmm ... and when checking the second link that appears, to see if it says something more positive about this last name appears this.


Paul Moritz Warburg (August 10, 1868 – January 24, 1932) was an American banker born in Germany, and an early advocate of the U.S. Federal Reserve System.

And this is where reality begins to look like a "Conspiracy Theory" or it ceases to be theory or conspiracy to become reality as it said at the beginning. Too many coincidences to have this lady with that name so complicated historically, leading the Blockchain issue in Sylicon Valley and many other sides as well. Remember that one of her jobs is "advising Fortune 500 clients, governments and universities". The truth is that, personally, I think this relationship behind the scenes is very worrying.

And if within minutes of having thought of all this appears this image ...

... now I do not believe in anything anymore! 😱




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