Why Centralized Exchanges will never disappear (CEXs) and why Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) will become mainstream!

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First of all, we need to understand five important matters, before we will see what DEX's and CEX's future ais going to look like in the crypto world:

1) Once you own something and control it, unless you are absolutely sure with a 100% certainty that you will recover the assets and you won't forget were you store it, you'll definitely loose it one day. If not you, then you children or entrusted relatives.

2) Once you give your private information to a third party, you are prone to lose your assets! It really does not matter what you have...

3) Once you give private information, data etc, you'll absolutely lose privacy! No "buts...", no "wait a minute...", you will definitely lose privacy no matter what you and anybody else is saying! Why you might ask? Any entity, private or public, can and will use your data to profit from it with or without your knowledge! In many cases is without your knowledge...

4) Once you give physically or electronically your assets to a third party, you are absolutely prone to lose them!

5) Once you widely spread to social media that you are proudly owning a tone of assets (even if you do not actually own anything) you are definitely prone to hacks, robbery, kidnapping or even murder! It happened before and it can happen again. SO why should you tell anyone that you have something? To be transparent? If you are not a governmental worker and have no bodyguards near you, it's important to literally shut up of your finances. This is what billionaires are doing, and it is not a crime to them...!!? 

So now, do you owe something to the government? NO!

Does the government ask you about their insane and irrational spending? NO!

So why you should pay taxes and why you should not share your financial information and/or income with them or other central entities (aka Banks, IRA etc).

(this is a 2021 clip but it can apply for every year to come)

As a simple example of outrages irrational spending would be this proposed bill in the USA, to spend 1.7 TRILION DOLLARS, yes trillions not billions, might be and probably will be vote soon.

What goes to your personal interest or your family's wealth and health? ZERO!

What goes to preventing bees from dying in the billions every year and therefore reducing the polarization of crops? 3 million out of 11.881 billion only for "human health care and environment protection" which btw, will be literally zero in the end (the whole money will go to zombie corporations)... 

What goes to military industrial complexes to fund war and imaginary protection for the US citizens? 773 billion USD... AAAMM WTF is this...

Oh, and not to be mentioned the absurd bill for 900 Billions in 2020... Better for you to read this article !?

Jesus! are we that stupid to let us be controlled this way?

But anyway, the topic is about exchanges (which are closely related to financing) therefore let's return to DEXs and CEXs. 

The Decentralized Exchange (DEX) will have the bellow influence on:

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- it will become mainstream because of the above mentioned critical problems in the society.

- people will take the risk of owning a crypto asset with the above mentioned risk in either hardware or software wallets that can easily connect to DEXs (in order to get the requested crypto for any payment) will be the only way to pay for services, grocery, equipment etc...

- DEX will be the only way to acquire crypto for individuals.

- people will be forced to give up their freedom, but will depend totally on them if they are willing to give up the fight against suppression and robbery in plain sight form their governments an central authorities and corporate entities. Therefore the DEX will provide the universal free market for the population.

The Centralized Exchange (CEX) can survive this way:



- it will have a largest amount of public investors and institutions acquiring crypto to CEX platform, because of regulations.

- people that are afraid of losing their assets by owning them will continue to keep crypto on CEX.

- the services of CEXs could surpass DEXs therefore any other CEX will adopt a strategy to continually attract new users.

- integration with daps (decentralized applications) will be more common ground on CEX which most likely will be the only way to purchase crypto in the future, if of course, CEXs will want to survive the invasion of a better suited for individual DEX application.

What do you guys think, does the any CEX platform will survive in the future or only the DEXs will be the way for individuals and corporations?

Take care out there!

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Crypto Miner and Investor, YouTube content creator and Blogger. In my YouTube channel I have several videos explaining in detail: How To mine, Video cards reviews and mining tests etc:

The Absolute Truth To Reach Financial Independence
The Absolute Truth To Reach Financial Independence

The financial system that has been thought to us since childhood is completely broken and unrepairable. It was created to subdue humanity to the point of slavery in every aspect of our lives. In these series of posts I will explain in a different way how and why crypto was created, why we cannot reach a financial freedom but we can still obtain independence. NOTE: Everything That I Write In The Future Articles Are Not A Financial Advices But My Own Views And Experiences With Fiat And Cryptocurrencies.

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