The Current Temperature on the Ground in DC

By Cje95 | Texas Boy in a DC World | 4 Nov 2024

It’s safe to say that the day before the election that the temperatures are starting to rise. The biggest example of this was last week when Capitol Police and Secret Service closed down the area around the Supreme Court including the street in front of it. In the announcement they titled it “SCOTUS Police Enhanced Security Posture” and announced the changes that were going to be made including the addition of the tall unscalable black fence.  


Over the last week, the number of Police has also skyrocketed with them either patrolling or riding bikes in groups around the Capitol area. Typically I only see the police on bikes at most in a group of 2 maybe 3 and only in very specific areas. Now they are groups of 4 to 5 and all over the place in the Capitol Complex.  


I’m pretty sure they are pulling in the Metro and Regular DC Police Force as well because well… there has been a WILD spike in shootings, stabbings, robberies, etc. in the District over the last 2-3 weeks. Right now while it is pretty safe to walk around during the day once it starts to get dark honestly go home. There has been a curfew in place for teens for months now which did lead to a decrease in this stuff which leads me to think that the Capitol is pulling resources away from other areas.  


While I was home a couple of weeks ago the police had a ton of drills up here including active shooter, mass casualty event at the Capitol, and more. I guess I should say I am “happy” they are “prepared” but given the whispers and the general unease among staff… I don’t think what I have gotten myself into it seems.        




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Graduated from Texas A&M in May of 2020 had dabbled in crypto since 2017 but dove in at the end of 2019. December of 2020 packed up and moved to D.C.! Huge sports fan, space nerd, and international newsreader! Follow me on Twitter @Cje95_

Texas Boy in a DC World
Texas Boy in a DC World

The adventure of moving from Houston, Texas to Washington, DC, and all the shenanigans that take place!

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