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By SyedAsadAliCrypto | TenUp Nation | 3 Jun 2022



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Masternode Setup Guide

Setting up TenUp master node is not a difficult task. It only requires rudimentary computer operation knowledge.
 25,000 TUP
 A normal daily use system [It will have the control wallet in which the collateral will be deposited. This wallet can be turned ‘OFF’ and anytime.]
 A server to host master node services. [This will be the VPS that stays ‘ON’ 24/7]
 A unique IP address. That is the IP of your VPS

Step 01:
Download the suitable control wallet for your system from https://tenup.io

Step 02:
Enter the debug console (Tools -> Debug console) and type the following command:
(This will be the masternode’s private key. We’ll use this later)

Also, DO NOT forget to retrieve your masternode's address's PRIVATE KEY (Just in case something goes wrong)

Step 03:
Still, in the debug console, Enter the following command:
getaccountaddress “Enter Any Name For Your Masternode here without Quotes”

Step 04:
Now send 25,000TUP in your wallet to the address generated in step 03. (Be 100% sure that you entered the address correctly. You can verify this when you paste the address into the “Pay To:” field, the label will auto-populate with the name you chose”, also make sure this is exactly 25,000 TUP; No less, no more.)
– Be absolutely 100% sure that this is copied correctly. And then check it again. We cannot help you if you send 25,000 TUP to an incorrect address.

Step 05:
Still, in the local control wallet, enter the command into the console:
(This gets the proof of transaction of sending 25,000, The output should be like this. If this doesn’t appear wait a few moments then try again) [
"txhash" : "123455912345678901b6a6d4c8090b0b67665ba34481ff20222c34b5f133fbd4",
"outputidx" : 1

Step 06:
Open masternode configuration file via notepad or any text editor (Tools -> Open masternode configuration file) and type the following lines:
<Name of Masternode(Use the name you entered earlier for simplicity)> <VPS IP Address>:51482 <The result of Step 2 (the private key)> <Result of Step 5(Txhash)> <The number after the long line in Step 5(outputidx)>

Substitute it with your own values and without the “<>”s. Now save the config file. Everything should be in a single line.

It will look something like this
MN1 892WPpkqbr7sr6Si4fghhssjjapuFzAXwETCrpPJubnrmU6aKzh c8f4965ea57a68d0e6dd322224dfd28cfbe0c801015b973e7331db8ce018716999 1

Step 07:
Access your VPS server via any remote desktop viewer software. Like TightVNC viewer etc, or if you have an OpenVZ server, you can use putty as well. Make sure that a Linux variant OS like Ubuntu or Linux Mint is installed on the VPS.

Step 08:
Open terminal. Go to your home directory by entering the command:
cd ~
From your home directory, download the latest version from the TENUP server:
wget https://tenup.io/Content/install/tenup-3.4.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Step 09:

Get updates for your Ubuntu (I am using Ubuntu 22 version)

sudo apt-get update

Step 10:

Unzip and extract using following command:
tar -zxvf tenup-3.4.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Step 11:

Create directory for tenup in VPS

cd ~/tenup-3.4.0/bin

Step 12:
The terminal may seem to get unresponsive, that is due to the absence of daemon configuration files. Interrupt the process after couple of minutes by pressing
You will see your command prompt cursor again.

Step 14:
Go to tenup data directory

cd ~/.tenup

Step 15:
Edit config file by typing

nano tenup.conf

Step 16:
And paste the following lines:
rpcuser=”Enter anyuser name here without quotes (‘tenuprpc’ is favorable)”
rpcpassword=2F7JWm4CYAqw9WVD85VXUS1uCpyAiYjf4AFjeqgyzZ1V (You can modify this sequence of string, you don’t have to record or save it)
externalip=“IP address”
masternodeprivkey=”Masternode private key”
Replace “IP address” by your VPS IP, don’t use quotes
Replace “Masternode private key” by the key generated in step 2, don’t use quotes

Step 17:
Exit the editor by pressing:

CTRL+o, Hitting Enter Then Pressing Ctrl+x and pressing Enter.

Step 18:
Now, you need to finally start these things in this order– Start the daemon client in the VPS.

First go back to your home directory by entering
cd ~


ls -a

Then start the wallet using:
tenupd –daemon (or tenupd)

The output would be
“Tenup server starting”
Now your daemon wallet is fetching blockchain data. You have to wait till it gets fully synchronized.

Step 19:
Check the sync status by typing:
tenup-cli getblockchaininfo
You will receive an output like
{ "validtime": true, "haveconnections": true, "walletunlocked": false, "mintablecoins": true, "enoughcoins": true, "mnsync": false, "staking status": false }
To determine whether your wallet is synced, the mnsync field will change to true. For example: “mnsync": true
Check periodically for the status. After the mnsync is true, proceed to next step.

Step 20:
Now head back to your system (control wallet). Open the debug console of wallet and type:
startmasternode alias false “mymnalias”
Replace “mymnalias” by your masternode name without quotes you should get this type of output:
You can do this task manually by right clicking and selecting start on the masternode getting displayed in ‘Masternodes‘ tab in wallet.

Step 21:
Head back to TightVNC (or PUTTY) and start the masternode by:

tenup-cli startmasternode local false
– A message “masternode successfully started” should appear

Step 22:
Use the following command to check status:
tenup-cli masternode status
Output should be:
Congratulations! You have successfully installed your masternode!

 On step 22 I receive output as "status" : "Not capable masternode: Hot node, waiting for remote activation."
Ans: This is most probably because of your control wallet status. It didn’t broadcast the address to the blockchain or either one of your wallet is not synced properly.
Restart the control wallet and repeat steps 21 and 22 when the wallet is fully synchronized.

Some useful commands to get more info:

tenup-cli getconnectioncount = tells you the number of active connections in the VPS wallet. The more connections you have, the faster it will sync.

tenup-cli getblockcount = tells you on which block the VPS wallet is on.

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