History of The Metaverse Infographic

By Jack @ Tentango.com | Tentango | 14 Jul 2022

In this infographic, we look at key events that led to the development of the metaverse as we know it today. 

In our opinion, the metaverse started with the adoption of the TCP/IP protocol for ARPANET, which was the predecessor to the Internet. The other notable events are the launch of Second Life, the invention of Bitcoin and Ethereum, and Facebook rebranding to Meta. 

We also note that development of the metaverse has accelerate in the last 10 years. 


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This infographic originally published on the Tentango blog.

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About Us. We are inspiring the next generation of creators to build even greater things. We partner with brands to create unique experiences in The Sandbox and other metaverses to drive engagement.

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Jack @ Tentango.com
Jack @ Tentango.com

I am a digital marketing entrepreneur with a background in engineering, paid advertising, and product development. I founded Tentango to inspire the next generation of creators to build even greater things.


Exploring marketing and building in the metaverse. Our team's mission is to inspire the next generation of creators to build even greater things. We partner with companies to create unique experiences to drive brand exposure.

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