Ring Doorbell cannot complete set up? Here is a fix

By Tomatosoup | TechSoup | 21 Jul 2019

If you are struggling to get your new Ring video Doorbell to get connected via the set up app - despite following all the trouble shooting tips, you are not alone.

You have probably tried your doorbell with a few different phones, five or six times each, switching the router on and off, changing locations, with 4G switched on and then off. Yet still the start up app would not complete.

Here is what will fix it.

If your router has 2.8GHz and 5GHz separated, make sure you can tell the two frequencies apart by their SSID, then go to Wi-Fi settings on your phone. Choose the 2.8GHz Wi-Fi connection, get connected, then restart the Ring set up application.

The original Ring doorbell uses 2.8Ghz. It seems that if set up starts when on the 5GHz network, it never sees the 2.8Ghz network, so cannot complete the set up.

I hope this tip saves you some time. 





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