Education and Positivity

By team SISU | sisu | 1 Jul 2019

Being Some Change In the World.

I wonder if we can educate one another towards a more positive attitude in everyday. At repeated instances I either meet or see people around me who act like ungrateful spammers, inpatient ignorants, or are simply unpleasant. Acting in this way is often times normal as a result of the problems that arise in our lives, myself I might be caught to be like this at times and able to recover only because of a gracious reminder (from a special someone); that is, the reminder that happiness is primarily a state of mind and therefore a controlled variable.

My statement may not bear any weight to you or it may seem to you like common sense, although I am realizing at this moment there is more to it. According to the The Globe and Mail magazine this is actually a field of study.

To conclude on my thoughts, I wish to provide the following recommendations I have come up with, perhaps in the goal of making days more meaningful:

  • Be Proactive!
  • Look beyond barriers!
  • Be Accessible!
  • Make it a priority!
  • Be Sincere!

I encourage anyone to share their thoughts on the things that make them happy or unhappy and whether or not they are inclined towards this field of study.

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Described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and hardiness.

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