On Publish0x, we can already find quite a few articles on LBRY. I will probably not bring much more in terms of description of the service and features, my goal here is just to share my enthusiasm on this project.
Admittedly, it is a still young project, which must still improve its interface and its UX, such as for example:
- Improve the filter system,
- Improve the overall video display system
- Finish developing the IOS version
- Improve the cache management
There are 2 reasons :
First reason :
Clearly the answer is simple: this decentralized blockchain project makes it possible to correct a huge bias on youtube: censorship!
Yet still few people know about LBRY, and we must promote this platform, by encouraging our favorite youtubers to subscribe to it, and to activate the automatic import of their videos from youtube to LBRY. I would make a small article on this subject which explains how to carry out such an automatic importation (thing which allows to smoothly transition from youtube to LBRY, favoring the adoption)
Second reason :
The second reason that excites me is the reward system. Every day it is possible to earn a few tokens (the LBC), just by watching videos, subscribing, inviting friends.
On the off chance, if you want to discover this fantastic platform that can become the youtube killer, I share with you my affiliate link:$/invite/@talibamba:9
In the meantime, it is urgent to go discover LBRY, and to encourage our youtubers, influencers, to gradually migrate from youtube to LBRY, offering the possibility of removing censorship while earning some LBCs.
So, go discover and share :D