A few days ago Mercury went retrograde on Oct 14 and will last untill Nov 3. During this period the significations of Mecury are seen to suffer delays and mishaps. Mercury signifies markets (among other things) so we can expect the crypto markets to not do so well during these coming weeks. Mercury's forward motion will resume on Nov 3, coinciding with the US Presidential election, following which crypto markets may be expected to rebound, especially after Nov 20 when Sun enters Bitcoin's 5th House. Mercury retrograde is a basic but reliable astrological concept, which has not been lost on other traders, such that BlockChain Today channel made a video about this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrmE7w5YdnY
Mercury Retrograde Oct 14--Nov 3
By Taliban Trader | Tales From the Crypto | 17 Oct 2020
Taliban Trader
I am still a beginner and still interested
Tales From the Crypto
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