World of Warcraft

4 Articles 0 Followers

The blessing of Lady Vashj -Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge

11 Apr 2021 1 minute read 13 comments PVM

Few days ago I was sorting my print screens folder and I found a picture of my overpowered Rogue from the good old times when I was playing World of Warcraft. My Forsaken was one of the best in the world gear-wise and I was raiding every week. Than I...

Litebringer - A ''World of Warcraft''-like game on Litecoin blockchain

19 Sep 2020 2 minute read 14 comments Heruvim78

I tested the game, and it is looking promising, if enough players will join. Just to start with the good news, I sent 1$ equivalent in LTC and already i got first payment sent to my Celsius (4.5$ in LTC from the stuff i sold in the first day). The ga...

True Story about how my friend missed out on becoming a multi-millionaire

20 Feb 2020 2 minute read 1 comment smegnard

It was late 2009 and my friend was playing World of Warcraft when he had a wildly successful raid on a high level dungeon and the spoils of the loot was fat. He got an epic quality staff as well as his friends rolling in their own rewards and happy...

WoW Classic Frustrations and Excitement

28 Aug 2019 3 minute read 0 comments JP Buntinx

The long-awaited release of World of Warcraft Classic finally occurred. Players from all over the world eagerly anticipated this event. The nostalgic appeal of the original World of Warcraft is difficult to explain to people who never played it. To t...