
404 Articles 14 Followers

How far Noise will go?

24 Mar 2021 1 minute read 8 comments Irealia

Noise has been surpassed again ... A few days ago Noise began to give clues about what the news would be and it was yesterday when they were confirmed. We all know that Noise is a social network similar to Twitter that allows each content uploaded by...

The first Twitter message has been sold

23 Mar 2021 1 minute read 0 comments Robertino

The 1st Twitter post has been sold as NFT.

Just another CryptoScam in Twitter

16 Dec 2020 2 minute read 1 comment Feax21

It hasn't been a long time since i published an article about my lesson of life after being scammed by a fake Binance DEX airdrop in telegram promoting a website that was giving away free bitcoins if you had sent your funds to them thr...

Helios: Drawing Contest + Giveaway on Twitter!

21 Aug 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Helios Protocol

At Helios we love to see the talent of our community and that is why we have devised this Drawing Contest, which at the same time is accompanied by a fabulous Giveaway on Twitter. Show us your skills and creativity, and create a great drawing for Hel...

Lawsuits, courts, proceedings...

21 Jul 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Danyakot

JPB Liberty law firm will represent cryptocurrency companies and individuals in a lawsuit for up to $300 billion against Google, Facebook and Twitter corporations over restrictions on advertising of digital assets on their platforms, which, according...

How people get scam look at here " 100,000,000 Ripple giveaway"

20 May 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Kavi

  I don't know how people easily trust this kind of information . i found a link through twitter where Brad Garlinghouse  a CEO and board of director of Ripple Company giving airdrop if you send minimum 10,000 Ripple to following Wallet Address with...

My Weekly giveaway 500 BTT for my followers

10 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments CEDCryptoCoin

🎁Weekly #Giveaway 500 #BTT  2 winners will receive 250 BTT each 😍 Rules:   ☑️ LIKE + Retweet(pinned tweet)   ☑️ Tag friends   ☑️Follow me on Twitter     If the winner will follow me on Publish0x. He will have a double win     Ends 17.2.2020 CET 10:...

Quick Crypto from Twitter - October 2, 2019

3 Oct 2019 1 minute read 0 comments MobiusMan

This is the first of many periodic highlights from my  Twitter feed I want to share with everyone. With so much happening in the crypto space, sometimes it’s hard to keep on top of everything. This series is my helpful hand in highlighting interestin...

Jimmy Song Auctioned His Hat

17 Aug 2019 1 minute read 0 comments razeiv

Jimmy Song, a popular Bitcoin Core developer, tweeted to make it clear, "The rumors are true, my hat was auctioned off for the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute coffers. 0.25 BTC for a whole bunch of other stuff, including my signed book, @saifedean's book,...

Roger Ver misstakenly shows off big security flaw in BCH when trying to brag of it's speed (0 confirmation transactions )

15 Aug 2019 1 minute read 0 comments WiseFishCM

In a recent clip posted on twitter Roger Ver makes a BCH  transaction in milliseconds.What he didn't realize was that in this attempt to brag about the speed, the security flaw of 0 confirmation transaction is also revealed. Now people are pointing t...