Tim Draper

24 Articles 2 Followers

Timothy Draper is an American venture capitalist and founder of Draper Fisher Jurvetson venture capital firm, among many other entities. Draper is extremely well known in Silicon Valley and is considered to be a highly successful investor. 

Draper and his associates are particularly keen on investing in technology, though investments also cover education and media. Investments include Baidu, Tesla, SpaceX, Skype, , Robinhood, Twitch and Twitter. On the more pioneering front, Draper has invested in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Bitcoin, blockchain and computational genomics.

Draper was also involved in one of the most notable of early examples of viral marketing, by way of recommending that Hotmail attach a brief advertising message at the bottom of every mail. 

In the cryptocurrency space, Draper is recognized as being a strong defender and one of the most well-known proponents of Bitcoin. A favourite among the media, Draper is frequently interviewed, covered and quoted in press circles, and Draper himself has conducted many sessions in which he espouses the positive qualities of Bitcoin and blockchain technology. 

Being so well recognized and successful, Draper’s words are taken quite seriously, including his belief that Bitcoin will reach $250,000 in value by the end of 2022. Draper has stuck by this prediction consistently and investors find themselves buoyed by the fact that even those on the inside of the financial/investment industry recognized the potential of Bitcoin. 

Draper supports the fundamentals principles supporting Bitcoin and related tokens and technology. He has shown support for the decentralization of currency and the fact that people anywhere in the world can have access to financial services only via a smartphone and the internet.

Bitcoin prices will reach 250 thousand dollars by 2023 driven by the growth of the Lightning Network

13 Nov 2019 1 minute read 2 comments Roberto D.

Supporting him is Tim Draper, one of the most prominent figures in the community, during a Q&A session during a blockchain event held in Malta last week; in fact, the well-known venture capitalist has argued that the growth of the Lightning network w...

Tim Draper: Why You Should Know this Influencer

23 Oct 2019 5 minute read 2 comments MintDice.com

Since the early days of Bitcoin, people have made a name for themselves in the cryptocurrency industry for achieving various feats. Since the industry is still in its infancy stages, a lot of its professionals entered from other sectors including fin...

7 Most Important Crypto News You Should Know Today (17 Sep 2019)

17 Sep 2019 5 minute read 3 comments Brawnd0

It’s only Tuesday and the weekend has already started off with a bang with multiple new launches, NBA level adoption and crazy price predictions. Some might say that’s a typical day for crypto but even by this market’s standards, it’s been a loud few...

Tim Draper Fireside Chat

21 Jun 2020 2 minute read 0 comments .

Tim Draper fireside chat on how our digital future is being shaped at Virtual Blockchain Week. Timothy Cook Draper іѕ а American venture capital investor and glоbаl fоundеr аnd а со-fоundеr оf lеаdіng vеnturе саріtаlѕ, Drареr Аѕѕосіаtеѕ, Draper Goren...