
110 Articles 0 Followers

Character breakdown: Nathema, high executor, hero of Titan, protector of Terra

14 Jan 2025 1 minute read 0 comments RickyShadows

Nathema is justice manifest in a dual blade wielding, impossibly fast angelic cyborg.  She has one etheric wing that switches sides as she jukes about, a smooth round head featuring only two glowing blue green eyes, and a lightweight titanium super a...

Sparkles from Bevricon (Fiction)

17 Jul 2024 3 minute read 0 comments Krisz Rokk

They spiraled out of the giant Amethyst crystal, swirling and tumbling through the air. You could hear their laughter at the nearby marble castle despite the thick walls. Maxon looked out the window and instantly recognized the two outcasts having th...

Cosmic Chess (Fiction)

9 May 2024 2 minute read 0 comments Krisz Rokk

“Thank you for volunteering to take part in this linear game. You are the Elite, our absolute best, and you’ve trained for what will unfold for billions of years. Some of you are Starseeds playing your very first live game under these harsh condition...

PSiQuantum - Funding exceeds $1B

2 May 2024 1 minute read 0 comments Keith Thuerk

PSiQuantum - Funding exceeds $1B   The Australian government, specifically using funds investment funds from the Australian Commonwealth and Queensland Governments to fund Utility Quantum Computing.  Their main goal is to build a practical quantum sy...

THE GHOSTBORN: A slice of life, in 2082 C.E.

22 Apr 2024 3 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

Somewhere in the city of Los Angiego... Natasha was bored, curious and the subway wasn't noisy so she tried amusing herself with her companion."So, who are you, really?" Natasha asked the sleekly-dangerous looking woman in black leather. She was excr...

The Candor Frequency (Fiction)

18 Apr 2024 3 minute read 0 comments Krisz Rokk

“Which way now, Captain?” “Take the left corridor and walk down to the middle until you see a platinum door on your right. Once you open the door, you’ll go down a steep staircase leading to a large crystalline chamber with access to six rooms. Open...

Lot's Cave will be missed...

22 Feb 2024 2 minute read 0 comments TheRuneLion

 I found out recently that the owner and operator of Lot's Cave Publishing has passed away. While information is tough to get, it appears from the evidence of everything that is and is not happening that Lot's Cave was largely or entirely a one-man o...

Life Beyond SciFi Metaverse gets Honda Motors Sponsorship

23 Jan 2024 1 minute read 1 comment Novasky

Metaverses need lot of backing of VC and the sponsorship for the survival of the business. And as long as the metaverse needs to stay relevant to the real life consumerism. If they don't get the local business into the game or even the international...

The War on Sirius B - Part 3 (Fiction)

14 Sep 2023 3 minute read 0 comments Krisz Rokk

Kyro walked across the military base contemplating on the conversation he had earlier this morning with a fellow Lyrian: “How beautiful it is to live an ambivalent life where duality is just a concept for a predominantly zero civilization struggling...


9 Aug 2023 51 minute read 0 comments MDBlagdon

1   "WE ARE NOT GODS!" The Being snaps, frustration and anger finally breaking through his impartial demeanour. "But you are," Jeeval replies, a childish pleading underscoring his statement. "You came down from the heavens to free us from our bonds....