
14 Articles 0 Followers

More People Should Drop Out of Society | 4chan greentext

1 Jun 2024 1 minute read 1 comment Biz Wisdom

More people should be encouraged to drop out of society. . If some regard comes up to me and asks what, "should I do? I'm renting for 1.5k working at Starbucks getting my English degree," your advice to them should be "give up." Obviously there are m...

The way to exit the matrix - TODAY - cooking with 0 TAXES, healthy, off grid VS cooking from supermarket,poison food and on GRID (** my own interpretation of carbon emission)

12 Aug 2023 2 minute read 1 comment alexisread

cooking with my own stuff, from garden, using fire OFFGRID    VS  going to supermarket and using the GRID to cook.      A : cooking with my own stuff, from garden, using fire OFFGRID  I have cut down some trees and bushes in the spring from my Garden...

The way to exit the matrix / TODAY - food supply planning - OPERATION CHERRY

2 Jul 2023 1 minute read 0 comments alexisread

Welcome to the journey of my selfsutainable food system. We dont need the supermarket, just get a piece of land and work on it. The Plants are an investment. You can see it as money, or health. It depends on you. But...i have to tell you a little sec...

CRYPTO KULTUR #007 - OFF-Grid Crypto Settlement Node Power? - TWINDPowered & More

13 Nov 2021 22 minute read 0 comments Thunderboltkid

Some of us in the crypto space looking at 'Off Grid' living wonder: Is it possible to build an inexpensive crypto settlement node operating with off grid power? Absolutely! Running a crypto PoS or lightweight PoW settlement node powered by  batteries...

GADGET TKOs ISSUE #001 : Protecting ALL the Crypto Node Networks with DER OffGrid Power in uDCs

9 Mar 2021 7 minute read 0 comments Thunderboltkid

In this first #001 issue New "Gadget" TKOs Series, we look at some ways to keep CRYPTO Nodes running even when the Public Grid goes down, Texas Style, cuz even the 'F ups' in Texas are bigger than most anywhere else, so its a good lace to start this...

On the Economics of my Very Basic Off Grid Heater Set Up

5 Nov 2020 3 minute read 3 comments RealSociology

I picked up a portable gas heater a few days ago, which is pretty much my only heating option for the winter, My preferred option of getting a wood burner installed looks like it's out of the question - the cabin's owner is very open to the idea but...

On the economics of my new portable gas heater

30 Oct 2020 3 minute read 0 comments RealSociology

I picked up a portable gas heater a few days ago, which is pretty much my only heating option for the winter, My preferred option of getting a wood burner installed looks like it's out of the question - the cabin's owner is very open to the idea but...

Comparing the Cost of Off-Grid Shelter Options

11 Sep 2020 3 minute read 2 comments RealSociology

I’ve been thinking through a few shelter 1.0 options for when I get my land in Portugal. The plan is to put up a small scale budget option, enough to live in comfortably for a few months or even a year while I do land-things. The main reason I’m inte...

How to earn Steem, APX Crypto with Videos on TikTok and

2 Jan 2020 1 minute read 2 comments Offgrid

I have figured out a way to earn some extra Steem and APX  Step 1: Create a TikTok Account (It’s Free)  Step 2: Create a Steemit and account  (It’s Free)  Step 3: Create a 1 Minute Video on Tiktok (It’s Free)  Step 4: Share your TikTok Vid...


13 Aug 2019 1 minute read 1 comment Thunderboltkid

Do you Need to keep mining crypto in a remote off grid locale, at home, at one of your business locations or from the cottage? I have been working on a super low cost to build and assemble1.6KW power Rated GYROWIND design since December 2018, and am...