49 Articles 0 Followers

Software Testing - how to start?

31 Aug 2021 2 minute read 1 comment Otek

Today, I want to cover the question that is most common when I am told that I'm working as a tester: How to become a software tester? How start? All information here is based on my experience (You Can read a little about that in that post: https://ww...

Software Testing - when computer glitch kills - race condition error example

27 Aug 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Otek

Hello :) I'm glad that You enjoyed my series about Software Testing :) If You don't read the first part or want to know why am I qualified to write about testing, check that post:

Software Testing - part 01 - It is worth becoming a Software Tester?

13 Aug 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Otek

Hi guys, it has been a long time since I wrote my last article here. For personal reasons, I haven't time to do that and to be honest, I don't also have a good idea what topics will be interesting. But today I thought that maybe the professional part...

Ohires Protects Fair Dealing with Its Clients, Employees, and Partners

30 Jul 2021 2 minute read 0 comments Alyona Karpinskaya

You could rack your brains for hours trying to describe the main features of a reliable, modern company. It is not always technical equipment or gold inlays on the walls of the office. The thoughtfulness of the contracts concluded by it and the unsw...

Developing digital skills for future job market

21 Jun 2021 6 minute read 0 comments Heath Muchena

South African educator Debbie Schäfer, a former member of the National Assembly, provides insight on how governments and private enterprises can empower the workforce with critical skills for the era of digital transformation. Business leaders around...

Insights on crisis response innovation and effective digital workplace strategy

12 Jun 2021 5 minute read 0 comments Heath Muchena

As more countries start to ease lockdown restrictions and gradually introduce phased return-to-work policies, IT leaders are increasingly looking beyond the COVID-19 crisis with a view to implementing revamped business continuity plans. Whether it’s...

3 Keys to a Successful Innovation Strategy

11 Jun 2021 5 minute read 0 comments Heath Muchena

Driving value through digital transformation Digital transformation is central to the growth and survival of many businesses on the African continent, just as it is to businesses in other regions.  African businesses can realise significant growth th...

Using cloud, data encryption technologies within media environments

6 Jun 2021 6 minute read 2 comments Heath Muchena

Craig Ruurds, CTIO of South Africa’s leading streaming service delivery company KwikTec, explores innovation processes that ensure secure delivery of IT infrastructure and application solutions  As enterprise demand for product marketing and service...

[ENG] Regularly backup your data / [ITA] Effettua regolarmente il backup dei tuoi dati

10 May 2021 1 minute read 1 comment MrHuman88

[ENG] JUST DO A BACKUP.This is a boring advice that is gonna save your life sooner or later.Hardware can fail and given enough time will fail.Every digital memory can fail.Heat, physical stress and electromagnetic fields can speed up the degeneratio...

Information Technology is improving our communication skills (learn about)

5 May 2021 1 minute read 1 comment mgtheo

To start, my opinion for “Information Techology is improving our communication skills” is rather positive. For me the technology is an incredible advance for the communication, it allows to enrich intellectually and allows to open opportunities on to...