2 Articles 0 Followers

EROS Airdrop: Cryptocurrency is Getting Sexy

15 Nov 2022 2 minute read 0 comments Valdyr

In my last blog entry, I wrote about a giveaway for an altcoin with a surprising targeted audience. Today is a coin with another unique case use - but at another, er, end of the spectrum. Introducing the airdrop for ErosBook: the upcoming altcoin des...

Weekend Briefs: Faucets and Freebies Updates (12/11/22)

11 Dec 2022 2 minute read 0 comments Valdyr

There have been a few promising updates that have crossed my screen over the last few days. If you've been following along with some of the same projects that I'm tracking, hopefully you've seen some of the same updates, too. Here's a quick rundown o...