Creating a Website

18 Articles 0 Followers

WebDev Starter Pack - HTML for beginners! The interface's structure from WWW!

18 Jun 2020 5 minute read 1 comment Eroshi

Hello guys, Andrercules (or Koro-sensei for weaboos) here, today i'm gonna talk about the power one the most known languages of web development, to be a beginner web developer front end: HTML. If you want to be a web developer, in a certain moment yo...

The Plan to make ProvenPassive an Investing Community

14 Jun 2020 2 minute read 2 comments tipplenurkey

I've been pitching my new website,, for a few weeks now, but the general response I get is that it sounds like a scam.  Well, of course it does and I encourage that kind of skepticism: it will keep you safe when searching for passiv...

7 Steps to be a Front-End Web Developer - Web Development (Part I)

18 May 2020 3 minute read 7 comments Zunaed

Seems like, web development has became many people's interest nowadays, key to their inspiration of being a programmer! It is because mostly everyone finds 'Web Development' as an easy thing to start with. Well, they did took the right decision! Beca...

New website with widget offered by publish0x

16 May 2020 1 minute read 3 comments GROUNDx

Here I present my web page built with the widget offered by the publish0x platform.I really like it so I can have the blogs very accessible to my publications. Little by little I will be improving the web, at first I want it just to have organized an...

Best SEO Audit Website for Inbound Lead Generation

26 Mar 2020 4 minute read 1 comment cwolfe211

If you aren’t a tech-junkie, auditing your website for SEO may seem daunting. How can you hit the proverbial ‘easy’ button? What is the best SEO audit website to use for optimizing your online business? One of the first steps to getting more website...

How To Manually Install WordPress On Your Host? A Step-By-Step Tutorial

29 Feb 2020 5 minute read 1 comment creatorskeep

WordPress is a great platform to kickstart your new website. It’s quite easy to get into and you can do almost anything with it. The problem for most beginners is that it can be a hassle to install without proper guidance. Since this is the ca...

Why Should You Use WordPress To Build Your Website?

28 Feb 2020 4 minute read 5 comments creatorskeep

So you want to build a new website for your business, or maybe you want to start a blog or a personal portfolio to show your cool work. That’s great! But what platform should you use? After all there are a lot of CMS (Content Management Systems) out...

Two must have tools to save your family and friends from proofreading

16 Feb 2020 1 minute read 0 comments Maria_techsanity

Are you starting a blog or thinking about improving your copywriting? There are tools out there to help you with your writing. Two tools I can recommend from my practice are Grammarly and the Hemingway Editor.  (PS: If you know any further tools, gim...

Mobile First - The Importance of Web Design

31 Jan 2020 4 minute read 2 comments DiFiCrypto

When you think about it, our phones have somehow become an extension of most of us. When I ask my friends about their computers, they look at me like I’m some kind of elderly person talking about outdated technology. There are only a few of my friend...

W do - web designer Creat own website with unique design

27 Aug 2019 1 minute read 0 comments nevlu123

W do - web designer Creat own website with unique design Hello friends this web design app is usefull for the all web lovers,you can make website and also you can sell.This app also helping those of peoples who has no knowledge about web deaign.Hope...