The SwissBorg Price Prediction Game - A Guide to earn 200 CHSB token in one week

By OvermindSB | SwissBorg | 5 Jul 2020

Hi all, 

last post i made the following offer to you. In this post I´d like to show you how to earn 200 CHSB token in one week.

This guide is a safe strategy you can also try a riskier one, if you prefer. However, in the game of Swissborg you can earn up to 1,750 CHSB token. This guide shows you how to earn  the first 200 CHSB tokens easily:

1. Step - Download the SwissBorg Community App.

The SwissBorg Community App is a price prediction game where players competing for a BTC price pool as large as the number of registered users (currently at $129,120). Highest rank players will receive:

1st place receive 6% of the price pool ($7,740.20)

2nd place receive 2% of the price pool ($2,582.40)

3rd place receive 1% of the price pool ($1,291.90)

Rank 4-10 get 0.5% of the price pool ($645.60)

Rank 11-100 get 0.15% of the price pool ($193.68)

Rank 101-1000 get 0.02% of the price pool ($25.82)

Rank 1001-10000 get 0.004% of the price pool ($5.16)

Rank 10001-20000 get 0.002% of the price pool ($2.58)

CHSB Tokens are earned by unlocking badges, Badges are unlocked by completing different tasks. Badges are explained here

2. Step - Apply the code OA62FUI when you sign up in order to start with 3,400 points instead of 400 points

3. Step - The first 50 CHSB token.

After 7 consecutive logins you have unlocked the Loyal Badge Level 1 giving you 2,200 points (1,400 points (7 x 200 points per day) + 800 points for a streak)

4. Step - The second 50 CHSB token.

Now, you should have around 5,600 points in minimum unlocking the Overachiever Badge Level 1

5. Step - The third 50 CHSB token.

Try to make 3 correct price predictions within the next 7 consecutive daily logins unlocking Psychic Badge Level 1 (Use 200-point bets to avoid higher losses)

6. Step - The fourth 50 CHSB token.

Bet 1,000 points unlocking the Risk Taker Badge Level 1

Congratulation you have earned 200 CHSB tokens. The tokens can be transferred at the end of the game from the SwissBorg Community App to the SwissBorg Wealth App.



7. Step – The fifth 50 CHSB token. You should repeat Step 3 to gather more points in order to make a brave bet unlocking the Risk Taker Badge Level 2


There are different ways to gather 250 CHSB token or more, this one was the fastest and safest way for me (ok, except step 7, it is very risky). To get a better feeling for your prediction use the AI machine learning Technical Analysis from the CyBorg Predictor of the SwissBorg Wealth App it updates hourly and is more accurate than its daily updated pendant in the SwissBorg Community App.

How to withdraw your tokens?

After the game ends. You will be able to transfer your earned tokens to the SwissBorg Wealth App, the exchange app from SwissBorg. From there you are able to do whatever you like with the coins e.g. staking, withdrawing, exchanging, holding.

Wish you all the best and happy earning and gaming!


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