Across The Cryptoverse #63 - Uniswap In-App Swaps And The Spooky Season

By PVM | SuperUMAns | 20 Nov 2024

It is scary that the Web3 UX is still broken! Fragmented ecosystems and complex cross-chain transactions lead to high abandonment rates and bad user experiences. As the Ethereum ecosystem expands to support the rising wave of web3 adoption, a new UX hurdle has emerged.. the cross-chain interoperability!

Now is time to unify Ethereum with intents and ERC-7683, innovative products created by the Uniswap and Across partnership! The biggest event of the autumn was the integration of cross-chain swap in the Uniswap app. No more bridge anxiety, no more technical chaos... just send ETH and stablescoins between chains as simple as swaps.


Across has built a robust, Intents-powered solution that aims to execute certain L2-to-L2 transfers in just 3 seconds for transactions under $10,000—which represent 99% of all L2 bridging activity. This speed and reliability makes it ideal for current crypto users and those yet to enter the space. 

The upcoming ERC-7683 standard, co-authored by Uniswap Labs and Across, will further help unify the Ethereum ecosystem by standardizing how cross-chain interactions are expressed as Intents. 

The recent in-app integration was also a hot topic for the Across Halloween competition, where the rangers competed in many categories:

  • Carved Pumpkins: Show off your artistic flair and carve the most frightening or creative pumpkins!
  • Costumes: Dress to impress (or terrify) with your most imaginative Halloween attire.
  • Spooky Stories: Share your best tale that weaves together the eerie concepts of intents and interoperability.
  • Baking: Share your gooey muffins or scary biscuits


The prize pool was oozing with prizes and special NFTs, with 666 ACX allocated to the event. We seen amazing Jack-O-Lanterns, decorations, and creepy treats! We read scary stories about on-chain horrors and we were delighted with sweets! 

Fancy some pumpkin pie? What about freshly backed chocolate biscuits? Did you go out and about with "Trick or Treat"? Have you seen pumpkins more spectacular than ours?


Everyone is a winner with Across, and every participant received $ACX for their season-themed entries. The effort was rewarded accordingly, and ERC-7683 carvings and ACX cookies took the top prizes! 

Across is the first intents-driven interoperability protocol and it will deliver a level of cross-chain UX that developers and their users demand as crypto enters a complex multichain economy! The community is the best place to start your Web3 journey, with fun events and educational content delivered weekly.


Residual Income:

Airdrop Hunting: Layer3 / Mode / / Linea 

50% discount on Scroll Canvas: use code TFNWC

Content: Publish0xHive / GrillApp 

Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / Doctor Who

Cashback Cards: Plutus Card / 

$ZEC: PipeFlare / GlobalHive 

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