Can We Have An Inside Crypto Exchange Option On Publish0x

From Pixabay

As we all know currently we can do tips in 3 different currencies. They are Ethereum, Ampleforth, and Spot. But when we do tip we can't control which coin we are going to tip. As it is uncontrollable it takes a very long time to collect 5$ in every coin before we are able to withdraw. so if we have an inside crypto exchanger on this website it will be a big help for users to exchange their collected tips into one single cryptocurrency and do the withdrawals.

Since it is mandatory to do KYC in the Kucoin exchange, some people won't be able to use it to exchange the crypto we earn here. So if we can have an exchange option here it will be a great help to us. also, the website will or will not have a fee for all the exchanges users do. It's up to the administration to decide. but again if we can have a crypto exchange here I think users will really appreciate it.

This is just an opinion of mine. So I would like to know what your thoughts are about this. please leave them in the comments below. Thank you very much for reading.

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