Shark Tron Update and Some More Tron DEFI Projects

Hello, everyone I am back today to show you a new part of the Shark Tron Project. Shark Invest came out a few days ago and it shows they are adding more and more options for their tokens. This is one it is one of the few projects that are not only holding value in Tron Defi but growing. I am glad I am invested in this but remember it is still risky. I also show you a few new projects some don't look as good to me. I have been having a hard time finding a good one why my videos slowed done. I am going to start to share some DEFI from ETH I think also soon. If you have a project I should look at let me know. I got a few on my other video today and I am going to look at them. In the end, I show you where I am at on Betfury and it is a goodstill only at level 2 still a lot to mine. to look at different yield farms and defi projects on Tron

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I am crypto fan. I post on Hive and Steem and now I am also here.

SteverR82 Blockchain Games and Projects
SteverR82 Blockchain Games and Projects

I am a fan of Blockchain Games as they allow users to own the items. As the projects grow some of them are going to let items be moved from one game to another. It is setting the stage for finding a great weapon that can move with you from game to game. Or finding an item that will pay for you to start up in a new game. I am also a fan of any Blockchain Project that is looking to take power away from centralized platforms that take advantage of their customers. Like Celsius and

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