The most expected by Vira-lata Finance has just been announced, a simplified and didactic version of a "whitepaper".
In one of its social networks, the news was broadcast by Galarticão as follows: "It is with great pleasure that I give you the REAUpaper - INFORMATIVE VERSION !!"
And what would that be? Well, this is a document that was written with one of the main goals of this wonderful community in mind: making information about decentralized finance (DeFi) accessible. It is a simplified and didactic version of a "whitepaper". This is because we want to reach the entire Brazilian public and try to reach as many people as possible - from those who have never interacted with a decentralized contract to the most "dinosaurs" in the world of cryptos.
We want you to understand the motivations, the history, the community, the economy of the tokens and also the current and future goals of the currency.
We hope you like it because each word was written with great care! "
After this announcement, the same information was tweeted with the PDF document so that everyone can access and be aware of everything about the Vira-lata Finance project. That includes:
- Objective
- Origin of Money
- Token economics
In this way, the Vira-lata Finance Team continues to show its community, and all those who are doubtful, the strength of its project. They are showing the world that their work is serious and reliable!